Sumerian civilization
Sumerian civilization 1---1072
Our historical record contains customs, traditions, and cultures whose foundation and origin was the Sumerian era. Among these customs and traditions is the head covering of Sumerian women (the hijab), as we call it, as it was officially imposed on the women of Sumer to wear the hijab. This is confirmed by the female statues that have reached us from the Sumerian era, as well as drawings, seals, sculptures, and most of what An artist was brought to us who was carrying a woman’s veil, and here in this statue we notice the beauty of the veil and the way it is worn, as well as the quality of the sculpture in depicting it in its most beautiful form.
The Sumerian civilization is one of the well-known ancient civilizations in southern Mesopotamia, and its history is known from clay tablets written in cuneiform script. The name Sumer appeared at the beginning of the third millennium BC. During the period of the emergence of the Hittites, but the beginning of the Sumerians was in the sixth millennium BC. Where the Ubaid people settled in southern Iraq and built the main Sumerian cities such as Ur, Nippur, Larsa, Lagash, Kulab, Kish, Isin, Eridu, and Adab (city). The Ubaidis mixed with the people of the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula through migration or launching raids against them. After 3250 BC. It was their own and they invented writing on clay tablets, which are manuscripts on clay tablets (see cuneiform). For 2000 years, Sumerian writing remained the language of communication between the countries of the Middle East at that time.

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