Libyan inventory
Libyan inventory 1--1479
The traditional dress of Libyan men is called the abraqan, al-hauli, and al-jard. It is mostly white in color, but some types are brown and grey.
As it appears from the pictures that the ancient Egyptians made of the Libyan prisoners, their clothes were made of decorated fabrics, and it seems that the shoulder tie (the tokamiya) was a special feature of what they wore, and it is similar to the garment or the robe that we know, except that its fabric is less and does not wrap around the body and is tied on the shoulder with the same How to link inventory
This style and style of clothing has not ceased for thousands of years!
“Anyone who looks at the way the Greeks, Romans, and Libyans wore their garments notices the similarity between them.”
This was also noted by a number of foreign travelers in various stages of ancient, medieval and modern Libyan history. They praised the identicalness of the Libyan Abraqan dress and the Roman dress shown in the statues with the toca mia knot to a very great extent, and they pointed out that the Roman dress was copied from the ancient Greek dress, and that the Greeks had transferred the cloak or garment from the ancient Libyans, including...
The Italian researcher (Giulia Lam Narducci) in his book Cyrenaica since the Greek Settlement.
The scientist “Kaj Birket-Smith” mentions in his book “The Paths of Culture, p. 183 Paths of Civilization,” which was published in 1965 AD, that Roman dress was copied, that is, taken from ancient Greek dress, and that the Greeks transferred the cloak or garment from the ancient Libyans. .
《Herodotus》 mentioned "500 BC"
In his history, paragraph 189, “The dress and armor of the statues of Athena were transferred by the Greeks from Libyan women.” This garment, which the Greeks transmitted from Libyan women, is a long garment that wraps the body and embraces the shoulders, and the woman girds the rest of it and wraps it around her waist.
This is supported by the words of historians such as
《Bellini and Strabo》 The Khoms valley was known for the quality of its goats, which are distinguished by their long and soft hair, from which luxurious clothes and pillows are made. It is called cilcium.
What confirms that this dress is of Libyan origin is that the Libyans have kept it until now and no one else. If this dress is Roman, as some claim, then why were the rest of the peoples not influenced by the Romans!!
Why does it appear on Pharaonic sculptures?!
Why is there no inventory in the heritage of the Levant, Greece, Asia Minor, Spain, France and other Mediterranean countries that entered the circle of Rome!!
Which, in our opinion, gives a local character to the Jard dress. The Hawli and Jard dress are distinctly North African local clothing, and are only found among the residents of North Africa, not other regions settled by the Romans in ancient times.
Libyan inventory 1---630
We support this with a text from
《The historian Procopius》 - based on references by Ettore Rossi - had referred during his description of the clothing of the ancient Libyans in the form of:
“A rough shirt called a kiton/kiton, and he pointed out that it is a fixed type of quilt, worn throughout the year/summer and winter...” which is the inventory.
Note: In Greek, it is called palaeum. What is strange is that the Libyans still give the name “palaeum” to a type of woolen fabric.
> Herodoth 500 BC
> Strabo 63 BC
> Bellini 79 AD

Source: websites