Hanging Gardens
Hanging Gardens 1----24
Did you know
The Greek, Jewish, and Roman historians confirmed in their ancient records the existence of the Hanging Gardens in ancient Iraq.
Confirmation of the existence of hanging gardens in ancient Iraq was mentioned by most well-known historians in the ancient world
■ It was mentioned in the book Geography of Strabo by the geographer Strabo in the year 64 BC.
■ It was also described by the Greek historian Diodorus of Sicily in 40 BC in the book The History of the World, where he mentioned that the Assyrian queen Semiramis was the one who built it.
■ The Romans had a share in confirming its existence as well, as the Roman historian Curtius Rufus described it in the book History of Alexander and called it with the Latin term (Pensiles Horti).
■ The Jews had a role in proving it in history as well, as the famous Jewish historian Josephus mentioned it in his writings in the first century AD.
Despite this, its location has not been found yet due to the lack of excavation work in Iraq and the passage of long centuries, which contributed to erasing its existence under various circumstances.

Introduction book to the history of ancient civilizations
Taha Baqir, pages 126 to 128