! Physicists see that all aliens are hanging on Dyson balls and orbiting white dwarfs
! Physicists see that all aliens are hanging on Dyson balls and orbiting white dwarfs 2449 
Until now, no one has been able to confirm the existence of intelligent aliens somewhere in this vast universe, but if they do exist, they may be hanging on Dyson balls and revolving around the crusts of sun-like stars called white dwarfs scattered throughout our Milky Way galaxy. That's according to a new research paper.
Study co-author Ben Zuckerman and UCLA professor emeritus of physics and astronomy told Live Science in an email that based on what emerged from the research, astronomers could estimate the number of advanced civilizations lurking in the galaxy.
An advanced civilization needs energy for food, mobility, and conflict. Currently, about 7.8 billion people on Earth use about 580 million joules of energy each year, equivalent to the energy production of about 14,000 million tons of oil. In fact, nearly all human energy comes from Fossil fuels, as we lack the technological expertise to rely on the largest power generator in our solar system, the Sun.
If humans covered every square inch of the Earth's surface with solar panels, it would generate more than 1017 joules of energy per second, while the energy radiated by the sun is about 1026 joules per second.
This is the real motivation behind the Dyson balls, which are named after the famous physicist Freeman Dyson, who developed the idea in 1960; If an advanced civilization really wants to harness the massive energy of its star, all they have to do is build gigantic structures to capture it, and turn that energy into other useful things.
Dyson's original proposal for a solid sphere (with 100% solar coverage) would not work due to stability issues, as it would be impossible to keep the star in the center and the entire sphere would disintegrate due to intense tidal pressures. However, it is easy to imagine an advanced species building rings or swarms of giant structures covered in solar panels to get the job done.
Every star has a limited life, and if a civilization arises around a sun-like star one day, that star will turn into a red giant star and leave behind a cold white dwarf, so staying on the surface of the planet is not a viable long-term option.

Astronomers have measured only a small portion of all white dwarfs in the galaxy, but if enough aliens decide to build Dyson balls around white dwarf homes, Dyson should be noted at least once in their surveys. There is an upper limit on the number of alien civilizations that build Dyson spheres around white dwarfs, and of course there are aliens who decide not to build Dyson spheres or aliens that build spheres around other types of stars.
