The Prince “Aburnos is a common traditional dress for the people of North Africa.”
The Prince “Aburnos is a common traditional dress for the people of North Africa.” 1-2942
Left: A statue discovered in Thagaste, Suq Ahras. Currently, it is known to all historians and researchers as the “Numidian Child.” In the statue, the child appears wearing a robe “Aburnus.” Right: Between 1930 and 1935, a picture of a child “from the Auras” and another from Jurjura wearing a robe. The prince was not long ago a daily winter garment for the people of the Aures and the Kabylie region. Thanks to the camera, one of the North African customs was documented, and in comparison with the archaeological discoveries, we find that the people of the Amazigh state of Numidia had, not long ago, whose customs matched what was discovered archaeologically. The prince and avrnous are traditional clothing. For the people of North Africa. The famous historian Ibn Khaldun says that there were three things known about the Amazighs: shaving the head, wearing a robe, and eating couscous.
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The Prince “Aburnos is a common traditional dress for the people of North Africa.” 1--1478
The burnous is a symbol of pride and courage.. a legacy steeped in history. It was worn by Augustine and was the uniform of the Almohads in the war against the Spanish.
The prince is one of the most important garments that distinguishes the Amazigh population in general, and the population still continues to wear it while adding modern touches to it, and the scholar Ibn Khaldun was famous for wearing it.
He mentioned it in his books and said that it is one of the characteristics of the Amazighs: “they wear brooches, shave their heads, and eat couscous.”

Source: websites