Genes of the indigenous people of North Africa
Genes of the indigenous people of North Africa 1-1009
Officially: A new shocking update about: the genes of the indigenous people of North Africa
According to the Genetiker website, which specializes in following news about (genes of corpse samples of historical peoples)
The scientific study in which the oldest genes of indigenous people from North Africa were discovered
It was supervised by 17 geneticists, headed by the famous German scientist Loosdrecht
Its results were in line with expectations and a conclusive and consistent answer confirming that contemporary Amazighs carrying Em81 are descendants.
The oldest inhabitants of North Africa whose genes were identical to the genes of E-m81)
The new update came as follows:
When the results of the study were announced (March 15, 2018), they announced that most of the samples were E-m81, with the exception of some.
But now, after all the tests have been completed, (all the samples from the Pigeon Cave in Tafogalt, near Oujda, Morocco, all belong to the North African strain 1 E-M8, and not just some of them as was previously published due to incomplete tests)
For example, previously there were two ambiguous specimens (their sub-species affiliation was not precisely determined).
Sample TAF015 was classified as part of the parent race E-M215 without specifying the subspecies, but now it officially belongs to 1 1Em8 (which is the only sample that the Berbers clung to in the hope that it would appear after completing tests on their Em81 lineage, which might give them genetic seniority in North Africa, which is what happened)
The same thing applies to sample TAF009. It was believed that it belonged to E-L618 based on its closeness to the carriers of (E-V13), but it was also officially confirmed that it also belongs to Em81.
Thus, it is officially stated that Em81 is present in every sample of human corpses that were found in the Pigeon Cave in Morocco, and they represent the oldest discovered bodies of indigenous people from North Africa who lived 13 thousand years before our era and represent the Iboromesian culture - also called Oranism - whose owners were dispersed from Morocco. West to Tunisia in the east, including all of northern Algeria)
As for the physiological characteristics of those samples, the following update was mentioned:
Most of them were ancient inhabitants with physical characteristics:
--- Skin color: medium between white and tan
--- Hair color: black and blonde
--- Eye color: green brown to blue
With the exception of the (cadaver) sample, one person whose genes proved that his skin color was (black).
Which means that the indigenous people of North Africa (carriers of the Em81 lineage)
They were of medium skin tone + black and blonde hair + light green and blue eyes (and some of them had white features
Note: Currently, the percentage of this E-m81 strain exceeds 95 percent of the contemporary population of North Africa.
The highest percentages are found in Algeria, Morocco (90 percent), Tunisia, Libya, western Egypt, and areas of Sudan, Mali, Niger, and Chad.

Source: websites