Establishment of the Union of Libyan Indigenous Peoples
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A meeting was held on Sunday, March 3, 2024, in the Libyan city of Yafran, for representatives of the Libyan Amazigh tribes, attended by the Supreme Council of the Amazighs of Libya and representatives of the Tebu and Tuareg Amazighs. They announced the establishment of the “Union of Libyan Indigenous Peoples.”
They affirmed their “determination and determination to work hand in hand in order to achieve their noble goals to build a prosperous future for Libya.” They also affirmed their “adherence and adherence to the unity, sovereignty and independence of Libya, and their rejection of any division or dismantling of the country.”
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In the meeting, the participants called for “the necessity of finding effective, just and peaceful solutions to the Libyan crisis,” holding “the historical responsibility of the parties obstructing local and international reconciliation.”
They expressed their commitment to “a comprehensive national dialogue between all Libyan parties without exclusion or marginalization,” stressing “the rights of the indigenous Libyan peoples and the necessity of including them in the new Libyan constitution, and fair representation of these peoples in all state institutions and their effective and positive participation in political, economic, and social life.”
They also insisted on “the inevitability of preserving the Libyan identity and achieving social justice and equality among all the people of the Libyan nation, and the necessity of fighting corruption and injustice, and supporting the building of a state of law and institutions.”
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They unanimously agreed on “the importance of solidarity and cooperation among all Libyan peoples, renouncing violence and hatred, and spreading a culture of peace and tolerance.”

Source: websites