Nabu Kudu Asaur
Nabu Kudu Asaur 11286
Nabu Kudo Asur: It is a Babylonian name and means (O my son, protect the borders), and it is the Babylonian name of the great king Nebuchadnezzar II, son of Nabopolassar the Chaldean.
Nebuchadnezzar is considered one of the most important kings of the Babylonian state and one of the greatest kings, if not the greatest kings in the world and history at all.
He was able to end the Assyrian rule by defeating the Assyrians in the Battle of Carchemish, while he was still a young man, not more than 22 years old, and who were supported by the Egyptian Pharaonic King Necho II. This battle ended with a crushing victory for the Iraqi-Babylonian forces led by Crown Prince Nebuchadnezzar, who was not yet king because his father He was still alive, but Nebuchadnezzar was the leader of the Babylonian armies, and the battle ended in favor of Nebuchadnezzar. He was able to extend his influence over the entire Levant, and the Assyrian Empire ended at his hands with the overthrow of its capital, Nineveh...
He is credited with the longest siege in history, which was the siege of ancient Jerusalem for 13 years, then entering it, killing all the Jews there, capturing the rest, and destroying it completely...
Nebuchadnezzar is also credited with building the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, and countless other achievements, such as interest in astronomy and mathematics, building the Ishtar Gate, interest in agriculture and trade, strengthening the joints of the state, and countless other achievements.
Egyptian-Babylonian Wars:
It is a series of very large battles between the Pharaonic Kingdom of Egypt and the Kingdom of the Iraqi Babylonians. The wars broke out in the period between the years (608 - 601) BC, under the leadership of the Egyptian Pharaonic King Necho II, one of the most famous kings of the Twenty-Sixth Dynasty, and the famous Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar. The second most famous king of the Babylonian Empire in its history...
Nabu Kudu Asaur 1---1186
The Egyptians allied with the Assyrian state, which had great hostility with the Babylonians, which prompted everyone to enter into a major battle, the Battle of Carchemish in 604 BC. The war ended with a crushing victory for Nebuchadnezzar, which led to the withdrawal of the Egyptian army from the Levant region permanently and the end of the Egyptian Empire. The Assyrians also withdrew from the picture permanently. ...
In the year 601 BC, a major battle broke out between the Babylonians and the Egyptians, personally led by Nebuchadnezzar and Necho II, in the Gaza region. The war ended with the Pharaonic army confronting the Babylonian army, and the angry Babylonian legions led by Nebuchadnezzar were prevented from entering the land of Egypt. This battle led to both sides incurring heavy losses. And gross.
But Nebuchadnezzar did not surrender, but rather headed towards the sea with large, huge, and mighty naval fleets filled with Babylonian soldiers. Nebuchadnezzar was able to enter the land of Egypt and control it completely, and extend Iraqi-Babylonian influence over the Egyptian Pharaonic state. Nebuchadnezzar was able to marry the Pharaonic princess Nitocris for the purpose of consolidating peace between the two countries, as she was the king’s daughter. Egyptian Abri - Ab - Ra.
With the end of the Egyptian-Babylonian wars, the golden period of Egypt (Egypt Empire) ended, which lasted for nearly a thousand years, as it was the beginning of the imperial era from King Tuthmosis III until the end of the Babylonian war. The Babylonian state emerged as a great power in the ancient world, and the light of the Pharaonic civilization was extinguished forever.

Source: websites