? "Second Earth"... Can we discover another planet on which we can live
? "Second Earth"... Can we discover another planet on which we can live 1----197
A frozen planet that scientists liken to be a “second Earth” has been found, as it is about 6 light-years away from our planet, and scientists believe it is possible to live on it, due to the presence of pockets of liquid water in it.
Planet "Barnard B"
The new rocky planet, called “Barnard B,” has an area equivalent to three times the area of planet Earth, and is orbiting close to one of the most studied red dwarf stars, and also the closest to the sun.
? "Second Earth"... Can we discover another planet on which we can live 1----198
Scientists expect that pockets of liquid water, driven by geothermal activity, could exist under the ice, suggesting that “Barnard B” appears to be a red dwarf planet, as it is larger and cooler than the Sun, in addition to being much closer to Earth than it is to Earth. the sun.
Planet "Barnard B" a new outlet for life
Carol Haswell, a member of the international team that announced the discovery of the planet, confirmed that Bernard B offers “a new outlet for life, due to its similarity to planets where water has been found before.”
? "Second Earth"... Can we discover another planet on which we can live 1----199
Haswell said: “This discovery offers exciting possibilities in terms of learning more about the diversity of galaxies in planetary systems, most notably the planets close to us in the solar system.”
It should be noted that the planet Barnard B was discovered after being observed for two decades by the Calar Alto Observatory in Spain, through the use of radial velocity technology, which enabled scientists to estimate the planet's mass and orbital period.

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