Mouloud Mammeri about Ibn Khaldoun:
Mouloud Mammeri about Ibn Khaldoun: 12691
Ibn Khaldoun is, in my opinion, an exceptional genius in universal history in general and in the history of Islam in particular. The intrinsic value of Ibn Khaldoun goes beyond the historical framework. He was born in 1332 and died in 1406; throughout his life, he showed a certain attraction to all activities of the mind. He was a philosopher, moralist, geographer, economist, poet and of course a historian....[]
Mouloud Mammeri about Ibn Khaldoun: 2-53
[]...He was par excellence the "multiple" genius. He highlighted historical data, which are geniuses given the century in which he lived (14th century). lbn Khaldoun was in a way a visionary, he foresaw our current society five centuries ago. He knew how to maintain himself and keep all his dignity in a century of decline.
* Comments collected by the newspaper: “Le peuple” in 1963
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