Algerian researcher Mouloud Mammeri
Algerian researcher Mouloud Mammeri 1--1629
Mouloud Mammeri, the Algerian novelist and researcher in Amazigh linguistics, was born on December 28, 1917 in Taourirt Mimoun, Ath-Yenni (Tizi Ouzou Province, east of Algiers).
Mouloud Mammeri began his teaching career in 1947 in Medea (west of Algiers). He worked on Amazigh linguistics and established Amazigh grammar through his work entitled “Tagromet” or “Grammar.” However, his work increased in depth with his return to the city of Rabat in the year 1957 To escape the harassment of the French administration because of his disturbing writings, his stay in this country was an opportunity to interact with the Berbers of Morocco.
On the day after independence (in 1962), he joined the University of Algiers, becoming in 1963 the first president of the Algerian Writers Union. He also took over the management of the National Center for Anthropological Research, Prehistoric Studies and Ethnology.
During the period extending between 1965 and 1972, he supervised the teaching of the Amazigh language at the university within the framework of the ethnology cell that he supervised. However, he was prevented on many occasions from giving special lessons in this language, and he was forced to obtain a license to give those lessons, and the matter also extended to... Until the year 1973, the year during which it was decided to delete the ethnology unit from the curriculum on the basis of its classification among the units inherited from colonialism.

In 1982, he founded the Center for Amazigh Studies and Research in Paris, and the magazine “Awal” (The Word), which deals with Amazigh cultural issues. He wrote several articles concerned with the Amazigh issue, primarily from an anthropological point of view, and in 1974 he finished preparing a book on the grammar of the Amazigh language.
He died on February 26, 1989 in a traffic accident in Ain Defla During his return from a conference he participated in in Oujda (Morocco).
His works:
-L'opium et le bâton, a novel published in 1965.
- The Forgotten Hill, La colline oubliée, a novel published in 1952.
- Le sommeil du juste, a novel published in 1952.
- La traversée, a novel published in 1982.
- Tagrumth Ntamazigh (it is equivalent to the Kabyle language Ajrumiya)
- Sheikh Muhand said, published in 1969.
- Poems of Si Mohand Oumhand, published in 1969.
- Zebra (Le Zèbre)- Story
- Marshmallow (L'Hibiscus) – story

Source: websites