Fasting in civilizations and religions.. The Chinese abstain from sin and food
Fasting in civilizations and religions.. The Chinese abstain from sin and food 2-154
Muslims around the world celebrate the holy month of Ramadan, where they perform the obligation of fasting, one of the five pillars of Islam. A number of other civilizations and cultures preceded Muslims in fasting, and each civilization had its own rituals imposed on it by its environment. Perhaps the Chinese civilization was one of those civilizations that knew fasting.
According to the book “Al-Rayyan in the Concept of Fasting Among Religions: Scientific Facts - Medical Health - Psychological Insights” written by Hamad bin Ali Al-Safyan, some Chinese sects used to fast before offering the sacrifice, while others were content with spiritual fasting, that is, abstaining from all sins for a certain period while eating food. the food.
As for the followers of Confucius in China and Japan, they abstain from food and drink before prayer times. As for the Buddhist priests and monks, they are satisfied with eating one meal in the afternoon of each day, as well as on the first day of the appearance of the crescent moon, and the day of the symbiosis of the moon. For this reason, the Buddhists fast four days every month. By confessing their sins and asking for forgiveness.
Fasting in civilizations and religions.. The Chinese abstain from sin and food 1----146
Of all the mental schools that China has known, the “Daoism” religion is considered the second most influential doctrine on Chinese society after Confucianism. Taoism is considered the only faith of Chinese origin, and one of the largest Chinese religions that is still alive today. It appeared in the second century AD, and it is a set of principles, divided into philosophy and religious doctrine, derived from ancient Chinese beliefs.

Source: websites