A timeless love story from the time of the ancient Egyptians
A timeless love story from the time of the ancient Egyptians 1--88
An eternal love story engraved on a limestone statue in the fragrance of ancient Egyptian history
From the tombs of Giza, we overlook a statue carved from limestone, telling a timeless love story from the time of the ancient Egyptians. A statue depicting the noble "Nfu" and his wife "Khenemt Sitjo" in a friendly moment, a symbol of the love and bond between the spouses.
The statue shows Nefu in his official uniform, bearing the title of "Inspector of the Directors of the Royal Treasury" and "Director of the Royal Courts (Grand) of the Yaoran." While Khnemat Setjou stands next to him, holding the title of “Chief Royal Informant” or “Director of the Queen’s Palace.”
This statue is a wonderful masterpiece, showing the skill of sculptors of that era. The details of the statue are precise, and the facial expressions are natural, reflecting the feelings of love and appreciation between the couple.
This statue embodies important values in ancient Egyptian society, such as:
Marriage was a sacred institution in ancient Egypt, and was considered a symbol of love and stability.
The family was very important in ancient Egyptian society, and “Nefu” and “Khenemet Setjo” were seen as a model of the ideal family, and they were loyal to their duties towards the king and society.
This statue gives us a glimpse into life in ancient Egypt, and shows us how people lived in that time. It is a wonderful piece of art, valuable history, and a symbol of eternal love.

Source: websites