Opinion: Rogue spirits and the rural gambling series
Rogue spirits and the rural gambling series 2-199
The Moroccan Rif region is considered among the richest Moroccan regions in terms of moral and historical load, given the many historical glories that were written in the blood of all the Rif people, without excluding anyone or excluding one component over another. The rural epic is a collective epic added to the series of glories of the Moroccan state throughout history, and it is, even if it is... The crown ruby, as they say, or the mother of epics in contemporary Moroccan history. However, this matter should not obscure the truth of other heroics that were written with the blood of the righteous martyrs in all regions of Morocco from north to south. From this standpoint, the battles and heroisms that took place across the geography of our country are considered. It belongs to all Moroccans Without monopoly from anyone, the Rif Championship under the leadership of the Mujahid Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Al-Khattabi is a championship for all Moroccans in all parts of the country, just as the championships of other regions are a source of pride for all the people of the countryside as well. On this basis, the Rif is not represented by anyone and is not subject to buying and selling operations from any party. Whoever it is, for a very simple reason, which is that the countryside is shared among all of us Moroccans according to the sacred things known to all Moroccans.
This simple introduction is very necessary, especially since its appropriateness, which requires us to preface it, and its appropriateness is the nonsense and nonsense that is spread from time to time in some means of communication or media sites about rogue spirits living outside Morocco who are trying to create trouble over the region and invest its historical wealth in vile or vile purposes. Suspicious cheap material and symbolic gains
The countryside is for all of us, rural and Moroccan:
First, it is necessary to clarify a very important issue, which is that the Rif region is not represented by any of the rogue voices that we see from time to time on social media sites, whether they are internal or external voices, and that the only representative of the region is none other than its residents, as well as the official and legal channels followed (MPs). Parliament, elected councils, and all other legal bodies.
Rogue spirits and the rural gambling series 2-105
As for individual voices, they only represent their hallucinations and personal interests, because the countryside did not give anyone a mandate to monopolize its history, and therefore, every voice that rises in violation of this consensus must have legal sanctions imposed on it.
Second: What does the countryside need:
The countryside does not need throats as much as it needs the minds, capabilities, and investment of each individual’s abilities in building this area. As for the path of escape and throwing empty verbal missiles from other geographies, it is nothing but goods for those who are morally and affiliation-less, and accordingly, gambling in the region is in the ignorance of its people and their concern. All Moroccans are traitors to the homeland and must be dealt with on this basis.
Third: Activating the laws and not being lenient in their application:
The law must be strict in its crackdown on all attempts aimed at causing confusion and spreading rumors and false news about the region, as well as curbing anyone who speaks out against his own faults regarding issues in the region without being qualified to do so. Restoring the reputation of the countryside can only be through respecting the laws, sanctities, and consensus, as well as working from within the known official channels and institutions. All attempts that take a path other than this represent only themselves, and the countryside is innocent of it.
We must beware of foolish people manipulating the region and gambling with its future on matters that occur overnight while its people are unaware. We must also remember a very important part that the fools are trying to bypass, which is that the dear Rif is part of the dearest Morocco.
Rogue spirits and the rural gambling series 2--122
Jamal al-Din Ajlian

Source: websites