The goddess Ishtar
The goddess Ishtar 1-173
She is the Mesopotamian goddess of love, beauty, sex and war
Ishtar is considered one of the most important deities in history because she embodies the oldest deity in history and she is the mother goddess
This is because it represents the source of life, the origin of beings, and a symbol of goodness and freedom
Therefore, freedom in Mesopotamia was gained from pain, not from the father
Ishtar is the goddess of love, beauty, war, and war sacrifice among the civilizations of the Mesopotamian region and its environs. She is Inanna to the Sumerians, Astarte to the Phoenicians, Aphrodite to ancient Greece, and Venus to the Romans.
The Sumerians called her the Queen of Heaven, and her temple was located in the city of Uruk. She is the morning and evening star (the planet Venus). Her symbol is a star with eight rays erected on the back of a lion, with a flower on her forehead, and in her hand is a bouquet of flowers.
Its representations and symbols are numerous, and it appears in most ancient myths. Poets sing of its love, and artists depict it in painting and sculpture.
Ishtar is depicted in the form of a naked woman riding monsters. She is the goddess of war and love in ancient Babylon. She combines pornographic sex with bloody crime and has ruled the Middle East for thousands of years. Gilgamesh addressed her in his famous epic, saying:
((You are nothing but a stove whose fire quickly goes out in the cold. You are a door that is useless in stopping a stormy wind. You are a palace inside which heroes are destroyed. You are a well that swallows its cover. You are a handful of tar that pollutes its bearer. You are a waterskin that wets its owner... You are a shoe that pinches the foot of its wearer..))

Source: websites