The goddess Ishtar
The goddess Ishtar 1--1608
The goddess Ishtar, known to the Babylonians as the goddess of love, war, femininity, and fertility
She is Astarte to the Phoenicians, Aphrodite to the Greeks, and Venus to the Romans.
Since the era of Akkad and throughout the period of the ancient Semites in Mesopotamia, she has been called the goddess Anonitu, whose name is derived from the Sumerian A. Nunna, which means the daughter of the prince.
According to the Sumerians, she is Inanna or Ninana, from the ancient origin of the Sumerian name: Nin.Anna
She is known as (the Lady of the Sky) and is represented by the planet Venus, which appears especially in the evening. In this case, she becomes the daughter of the god Anu and takes the title of the Goddess of Love.
Also, the planet Venus appears at dawn, and in this case she becomes the daughter of the god Sin (the moon), and thus she bears the title of the goddess of war.
Because she is the lady of love and indirectly, she is the goddess of fertility and is symbolized by the eight-pointed star, and on the basis of it, the eight gates of Ishtar were chosen.
The lion is a symbol of her strength, so her divine personality was represented by a fierce temperament that she maintained until the end, as well as in her love and feminine instinct.
(Inanna) represents woman in all its meanings, and thus she combined in her title and personality many gods. She was close to men as a savior and beloved, but she was terrible with her enemies as the goddess of war.

Because of this last characteristic of hers, many epithets were attached to her that added a bit of masculinity to her, including: a heroine, a lady of one against the other in battles, and she was particularly honored in Assyria, the country of sturdy, tough warriors.
Thus, Enanna embodies a model of a deep and rich personality in which the majority of the ancient gods have melted, of whose names and forms nothing remains except names and manifestations of the person of Ninana.
In the end, every attribute of the Divine Feminine in terms of power is also attributed to her. From here derives her unique importance and prestigious position with the god Anu and the sublime qualities bestowed upon him. She was also called the Lady of the Peoples, the Lady of Heaven and Earth, and the first among the gods.

* Religion of the Babylonians
Jean Botero