Real Arabs are moving forward
Real Arabs are moving forward 11298
The real Arabs are on their island and the Persian Gulf, and today they are progressing and civilizing because they have linked themselves to the sophisticated Western European civilization, while the countries of the Mustarabs and those who deny their Berber, Syriac, Coptic, and Kurdish origin, such as Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, and North Africa, are falling behind and retreating because they have linked themselves to the Arab culture that the true Arabs abandoned and left to the new Arabs. .
The widening digital gap is not limited to the use of the Internet, as most indicators of information technology, digital government services, and artificial intelligence place the Gulf Cooperation Council countries at the forefront of Arab countries in terms of development in these fields.
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The Government Readiness for Artificial Intelligence Index, which is issued annually by Oxford Insights, ranks countries around the world according to the extent to which their governments are prepared to use artificial intelligence in public services, based on 42 indicators across 3 pillars: government, technology sector, data and infrastructure.
According to this index, the Gulf Cooperation Council countries in 2021 came at the forefront of the Arab countries. The UAE ranked 19th globally, followed by Qatar ranked 26th, then Saudi Arabia ranked 34th, then Oman ranked 49th, then Bahrain ranked 55th, and finally Kuwait ranked 63rd.
As for the rest of the Arabized countries, they came after that: Egypt ranked 65th, Tunisia ranked 77th, Jordan ranked 80th, Morocco ranked 84th, Lebanon ranked 94th, Algeria ranked 99th, and Iraq ranked 104th.
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It is expected that the current oil boom will increase the digital gap between the GCC countries and the rest of the Arab countries. According to International Monetary Fund expectations, the income of the Arab Gulf countries will increase by $1.3 trillion over the next four years, compared to what was expected before the rise in oil prices. This is at a time when the rest of the Arab countries are expected to continue suffering from chronic economic problems.

The beautiful picture is of Qatar in the Persian Gulf.