The city of "Sivars" in the Algerian desert, "Bermuda land", which baffled scientists
It includes a museum of drawings dating back 15,000 years, and "UNESCO" classifies it as the oldest and largest rocky city.
The city of "Sivars" in the Algerian desert, "Bermuda land", which baffled scientists 11214 
One of the entrances to the city of "Sivar" (communication sites)
It took several names and circulated novels and stories ranging from truth to fiction, it is the city of "Sivars" located in the desert of Algeria , which American archaeologists described as " the Bermuda of the land", while a document of a British museum indicated that the only survivor who wandered in all its alleys is Aleister Crowley. The most famous magician in history.
It was called the puzzle city and the eighth wonder of the world and the stone or rocky forest, as it was called the city of the jinn and the gathering of witches and demons, and it resembles a maze in the middle of the "Djanet" desert in the Illizi governorate, southeast of Algeria, and includes a museum of drawings and inscriptions dating back to more than 15,000 years, and classified by the "UNESCO" organization. As the oldest and largest rocky city across the world, with an area of ​​89,342 square kilometers.
It is characterized by a large number of caves and drawings, some of which have puzzled scientists such as human creatures flying in the sky wearing what resembles flying devices, and others of women and men wearing clothes similar to what exists in the present time, as well as men wearing diving equipment, and some of them drag mysterious cylindrical objects, as well as ships and astronauts space.
Interpretations and narrations
Sivar is the largest open-air museum in the world and the largest cave city inscribed on the World Heritage List since 1982.
 The city of "Sivars" in the Algerian desert, "Bermuda land", which baffled scientists 1-16
Some drawings on the walls of a cave in the city of "Sivars", where scientists were unable to explain them (communication sites)
Interpretations and accounts differed about the reality of the city. One talks about the theory of “ancient aliens” and claims that beings from outside space visited Earth in prehistoric periods and communicated with ancient humans, while another says that it is the lost continent of Atlantic, which was mentioned for the first time by the philosopher “Plato” When he referred to his visit to Egypt, and that the priests told him what their ancestors had told them about a great continent that was near the Pillars of “Hercules,” progress in it reached a great and amazing degree, but it disappeared for some reason.
strangeness and fear
What increases the strangeness and fear is what is indicated by information found in a document in one of Britain's museums that mentions that the only person who entered the city and wandered through all its alleys was the most famous magician in history, Aleister Crowley.
She explained that the team that entered with him all died, but he died years after them and left manuscripts that include incomprehensible drawings, and others of strange and familiar animals, such as cows, horses and giraffes living in the midst of vast meadows, rivers and gardens, and highlighted that all the drawings, pictures and studies circulated are for a part of it. Only, and no one discovered it from the inside.
A research conducted by a European team that visited it in 2018 also mentioned that this city existed before the arrival of humans on Earth, in addition to the presence of a reserve of fresh water in this region, as American archaeologists said about it that all the “Bermuda” triangles are in the sea except for one triangle found in Algeria desert.

The army guards the city
But what raises questions and raises questions is that the Algerian army guards the city in a tight and strict manner and prevents the entry of some of its areas, which no one has been able to explain. On the contrary, everyone contacted by The Independent Arabia in order to declare this in this regard avoided responding, and some of them did not have the information at all. However, the director of the Tihurga Travel Agency, Bahaa El-Din Balto, which is interested in desert tourism and is a native of the region, said that the mystery city is not guarded by any forces and the army is guarding the common border between Algeria and Libya.
Balto confirmed that he visits the area constantly and has not encountered anything that is circulating, so "the matter is nothing more than rumours," warning that entering and roaming in some areas of "Sevar" must be under the leadership of a guide, and added that "moving out of curiosity without an expert From the region makes you wander until you die, because you do not know the centers of water and survival.”