The artist, Shahira Kartit, performed an impressive and impressive performance
The artist, Shahira Kartit, performed an impressive and impressive performance 13-37
She is one of the television faces whose name has been left in particular in several television works, such as the series (Avaadhar) and the series (Thabrathin N Marzouk), as she is distinguished by expressive facial features, in various circumstances required by the role she plays, such as joy and joy, as well as emotion and sadness. It is noteworthy that she mastered this expression in the series (Thabrathin Marzouk) when she returned from prison and inspected her son (Farid), as well as during her confrontation with the jurist (Al-Si Mohand) and speaking out about his crimes and violations. She also enjoys vocal intonation according to various situations and situations, which is well controlled, and the exits Her letters are very clear, and there is deliberation in her speech and pronunciation even when angry, and her facial gestures are very significant, especially through her looks and eye signals, as she can pass several messages without speaking. Perhaps the danger of television and cinema and the strength of the actor lies in his expressive and persuasive ability, and he is more silent than he is speaking. Then the successful actor is the one who imposes his privacy in the scenes that bring him together with the rest of the other actors through the exchange of conversation, but also through clashes and physical contact, and I believe that the artist Shahira succeeded in this challenge and imbued her performance with a color of her own.
In the series (Avaadhar), she played her role with great confidence and ability, and was able to carry out dialogue that matched her movements and facial expressions, which made her stand out in various scenes. She was the most visible and monopolized the events with the brilliant and beautiful actress Shaima Al-Alawi, as they formed a striking duo as sisters in this series. And they shared the championship in it.
She succeeded in playing the role of a simple and authentic Bedouin woman, both verbally and choreographically. As for the movie (Thaghrbut n Noah), in which Shahira played a heroic role, different from what we were familiar with before, as she played the role of an educated woman (nurse) with a modern appearance, with a different language and a dictionary consistent with her role, she stole the spotlight, and in this way she broke out of her usual stereotype to... Another horizon that she succeeded in embodying brilliantly and without affectation.
The artist, Shahira Kartit, performed an impressive and impressive performance 13-38
The truth is that the artist Shahira performed the roles assigned to her in a group of television works with distinction and professionalism, despite the recentness of her artistic experience. She is a rising and promising artistic face. She can perform other, more profound roles. She can even star alone and dominate the screen in complex dramatic and cinematic works because she possesses the elements of success and brilliance.

Dr.. Jamal Al-Din Al-Khudairi