Kingship is a sacred divine gift
Kingship is a sacred divine gift 1--302
The people of Mesopotamia believed that kingship was a sacred divine gift based in heaven, then it first descended to earth in the Sumerian city of Eridu, and Eridu was the center of kingship.
These ancient Sumerian texts give a clear idea and also show the exaggerations and myths that prevail in them:
“Kingdom descended from heaven, and Eridu was the center of kingship. The Walim ruled there for 28,000 years, and the Algar ruled for 36,000 years.”
Then kingship moved to other Sumerian cities, during which 8 kings ruled for 250 thousand years before the flood!
When the great flood came and swept away the country, kingship rose again to the sky, then returned and descended after the flood in the Sumerian city of Kish.
The Sumerians divided history into two parts:
Before the flood, and after the flood
The average human lifespan after the Great Flood no longer exceeds 100 years!

Source: 1- Lectures on Ancient History_Amer Suleiman
2-Early Civilizations: Origins and Myths __ by Glenn Daniel