The first official ownership document in history was found in Kurdistan.
The first official ownership document in history was found in Kurdistan. 1--306
Professor: Nour El-Din Abu Hussein
This historical document is called: Kudurru, and it is a limestone with the name of the ruler written on it, to whom the land is given, and the area of the land that determines its location. There are witnesses whose names are written on the Kudurru, and the symbols of the gods and their curses on whoever breaks the Kudurru are also engraved in relief. Or distorts it or steals it, meaning that the gods are the guarantor of the ownership of the land to its owner, and it is considered proof of the grant of the land, not the contract for the sale of the land, and this stone is placed in the ground to determine the boundaries between one province and another.
This charter dates back to the period of the Kassite Empire, which ruled for nearly 400 years and its capital was Baghdad. The Kassites are residents of Mesopotamia and ancestors of the Zagrosian Kurds.
The “Kuduru” was a type of stone document used as a boundary stone and as a record of land grants to vassals by the Kassites and later dynasties in ancient Babylon between the 16th and 7th centuries BC. The original was usually kept in a temple while the person to whom the land was granted was given. Clay copy to highlight as confirmation of legal ownership.
The name of the ruler who granted the land is:
The land was given to Gula-Eresh on the occasion of her marriage, and the witness to the granting of the land was an elite person with a high social status, and his name was: Amurru - Bel - Zeri.
Note: This document “Kuduro” is located in the British Museum under the number: 90841.

Sources and references:
– Lambert, W.G.: “the Warwick Kudurru”, Syria, vol 58 no. 1/2, 1981 p. 73-85.
– Tuman, V.S. “Astronomical Dating of the Kudurru, IM 80908,” sumer, vol.46, pp. 98-106,1989-1990.
- Mr. Dr. Salah Rashid Al-Salhi. Specialization in ancient history. Show less