The oldest map of the world known to date
The oldest map of the world known to date 1----251
What you see in the picture is the oldest map of the world known to date. It is a clay tablet on which a map of the world known to the Babylonians (ancient Iraqis) was engraved, dating back to 2000 years BC. It is located in the British Museum in London. It depicted the world in the form of a circle (a disk). Surrounded by the eternal sea, like a ship floating on the water, and outside the disk, the Babylonians drew seven islands, which represent crossings to an outer circle that they called the heavenly ocean, which is the seat of the major gods. In this map, Babylon was placed in the form of a rectangle in the middle of the disk, confirming that it is a center. The world, and they resemble all ancient peoples, as each people considered their country the center of the universe!!
The map shows the Euphrates River flowing towards the south, and they drew mountains in the north and Ahvaz in the south, and the Babylonians believed that there were islands outside the sea or on its outskirts inhabited by imaginary creatures!!
One of their most famous legendary stories is the legend of Gilgamesh, who was an invincible hero

Source: websites