Certificate of history
Certificate of history 1-2978
Amazigh is a language very rich in vocabulary and meanings. It is an independent language with its own linguistic rules and complete dictionaries of more than 1,000 pages. It is an ancient language that is more than 7,000 years old. It is one of the oldest languages in the world. It has been ruled by Amazigh kings throughout history, and through it Islam spread throughout North Africa before The spread of Arabic for centuries, and with it the resistance against colonialism continued, with which poets sang and echoed the mountains of the Atlas, Jurjura, Nafusa and Matmata, and with which the cities, regions, rivers and valleys of North Africa were named... a beautiful and peaceful language in its homeland, its only problem today is the Arabist regimes in North Africa that are fanatical towards the East and are fighting against it. For decades It is trying to obliterate it by besieging it, marginalizing it, ignoring it, repressing it, pretending to care about it, and laughing at its vulgarity, with the help of a group of fanatics against it in the name of Islam who want it to extinct.!!!
It is a crime of cultural genocide and a crime against humanity for which history will judge them.
What I see in the comments of hatred and hatred towards every post we publish on our page about the Amazigh, whether history, personality, civilization or anything else... is hatred instilled in them by these ruling regimes.

Source: websites