The first novel in history

The first novel in history 440px-Byzantinischer_Mosaizist_des_5._Jahrhunderts_002
Lucius Apuleius, nicknamed Afoulay

Golden donkey:
It is the title of the first novel known to mankind written by the Amazigh novelist Lucius Apuleius, called in the Amazighs Afoulay.
In a quiet village called Madour or Maduroch in eastern Algeria, Lucius Apuleius was born in 125 AD. He wrote the letters of the writing, then proceeded to master them at the University of Madur, and called himself the Platonic Apulius Al-Maduri, and today he is considered the author of the first novel in history.
The Golden Donkey novel in the Latin language is considered the only one that has copies preserved in that language, comprising eleven parts and characterized by complexity and verbal improvements, and it is the oldest preserved narrative text.
Apuleius, a young man who seeks ambition, knowledge, insight and knowledge, traveled to the capital of the Roman Empire, Rome, then visited the countries of the East and Alexandria to settle in Oia, Tripoli. Roman law exonerated itself with a plea called the Sabratha plea, in which he explained the methods of scientific experiment in medicine and physics, accusing his opponents of ignorance. That pleading was classified as the most famous piece of literature in the history of Roman Africa. After that, he settled in Carthage gradually in the levels of the priesthood, which prompted him to become preoccupied with the priests, and the historical sources did not specify its end except for the indication that he died in the year 180 AD. It was narrated from him that he said: I will advance the whole matter equally in a Greek or Latin language, with the same receptivity and confidence, the same seriousness, and the same style and style.

The first novel in history

Apuleius authored eighteen books between novels, stories, Platonic teachings, wisdom and sciences in nature, astronomy, philosophy, music, theater and poetry.