A delegation of Nubians in the presence of King Thutmose IV of Egypt
A delegation of Nubians in the presence of King Thutmose IV of Egypt 1-725
A delegation of Nubians bringing tribute from the south to the King of Egypt, Tuthmosis IV.
Scene from the House of Eternity [cemetery] of the official Sobekhotep, Museum Inventory No.: EA922, British Museum, London - Height: 74 cm; Width: 61 cm.
The man in the foreground carries interlocking gold rings on one arm
The man in the middle carries an ebony log on his shoulder and a giraffe's tail in his hand
The third man carries a tiger skin and a basket full of pieces of red jasper, while a monkey sits behind his head
All the men are wearing earrings. In the background, part of a fourth man appears holding a baboon. Above there is a colorful frieze (called “ghakar” in ancient Egyptian).
Sobekhotep was a high-ranking treasury official during the reign of Thutmose IV, around 1400-1390 BC, and one of his responsibilities was dealing with foreign gifts brought to the king.

Source: websites