1879anniversary of the birth of Emperor Septimius Severus
1879anniversary of the birth of Emperor Septimius Severus  1----259
Today is the birthday of Emperor Septimius Severus, April 11, 145. The birth of the Libyan Emperor Lucius Septimius Severus. The Roman Emperor Lucius Septimius Severus was originally from the Libyan city of Leptis Magna, which is mentioned under several diverse names such as Neapolis, Tavra, and Leptis Magna (Leptis Magna).
The region was inhabited by the Libyan Makkai tribe, which confronted the Greek invasion in the Battle of Wadi Kaam (Knibis).
Septimus was born on April 11, 146 AD in the city of Lebdah. Historians have differed as to the origin of his lineage. Some of them traced him to Phoenician origin, and some traced him to Latin origin, as reported by the Italian archaeologist Salvatore Origima, for example. He mentions that he is from an Italian family from Medea Veii and that it came to Lebda. The date of her arrival to the city is not mentioned, and some historians describe him as an African citizen, that is, a local resident, without mentioning other details, such as historian Tiny Frank.
As for the historian M. Carey, he claims that he is from the town of Hydromethium, the same town where his rival Pertinax was born, but he does not cite historical sources for what he said.
Libyan researcher Ramadan Ahmed Qadida states that Emperor Septimius is of local Libyan origin, and that most historical documents and evidence support this trend. The historian Statius, who lived during the period of Septimius, wrote a history of the family of Septimius Silvae and dedicated it to Emperor Septimus.
1879anniversary of the birth of Emperor Septimius Severus  3-12
It was mentioned in the fifth chapter of the aforementioned fourth book that the emperor was of Libyan origin and was not Phoenician or Italian, and that the emperor himself was born in a villa in Lebda, which owned peasant farms, and that his origin was from the countryside of Lebda, the lineage of his mother, Fulvia, from the Flavi family, which immigrated from Italy in the first century BC to Leptis and all scientific circles of knowledge, such as the British Encyclopedia and others, gather about the local Libyan origin of the Septimus family, and that it comes from the countryside of Leptis and that his birth was in a rural house outside Leptis, where villa in Latin means the large country house. The historian Statius mentions that he was from the nobles of Lebdah, but that it was one of the humble rural families imprinted with African characteristics. He inherited the military spirit from the Makkai warriors, from whom he descended. He also inherited from them the characteristics of the Libyans in terms of humility, as he abstained from eating banquets and luxurious foods, and his food was mostly limited to dates and fruits.
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He received his first education in Lebdah, where he taught the people of the popular classes, and his sister spoke only the Libyan language, to the point that he became upset with her and returned her to Lebdah laden with luxurious gifts. The Roman historian Sallust mentions that the people of Lebdah spoke the Libyan language, so that most of its inhabitants were from the Makkai tribes, in addition to the Romans and Greeks. And the Phoenician merchants....... and the rest of the conversation

Tenny frank economic survey of ancient rome
m.cary history of rome
The Jugurthian Wars of Sallust
The Tripoli area in the Roman era, David Mattingly
The Libyan Historical Conference in 1968
Research on Septimus by researcher Ramadan Qadida