Roman Emperor Galicula or Caligula from 37 AD to 41 AD
Roman Emperor Galicula or Caligula from 37 AD to 41 AD 1-974
The Roman ruler "Galicula" is considered the most famous and strangest of the Roman tyrants. His madness towards the king reached such an extent that he asked his assistants to give him the moon, and he cried because he did not get it. He appointed his horse to the Senate, and he also created a famine himself so that history would remember him.
He was more than just a tyrant, he was a model of evil and megalomania, and he assumed the role of God on earth.
One day he pretended that he was going to die, so his followers began to pray for him to recover. Some of them even went so recklessly as to have God take his soul instead of Galicula, and he promised to give him a hundred golden cats if he recovered. Suddenly, Galicola came out to them, giving them the good news that he had not died, and that everyone who cut the He promised to fulfill it, so he killed the first person and took a hundred gold pieces from the second.
What increased his madness and brutality was that the people were afraid of him, and so were his men, even though they could have gathered together and eliminated him. However, they succumbed to fear.
Roman Emperor Galicula or Caligula from 37 AD to 41 AD 13-19
One day the moment came that would claim his life, as he entered the Senate riding on his horse, and when one of the members expressed his objection, Gallicola replied to him: “I do not know why the honorable member would express his objection to the entry of my honorable horse, even though he is more important than the member, so it is enough that he carries me.” "And, of course, as usual, the entourage cheered for him and supported his statement.
He issued a decree appointing his horse as a member of the Senate, and of course the members cheered for the wisdom of Galicula, and Galicula proceeded with his absurdity until the end, so he held a celebration to appoint his horse, and the members were obliged to come in their official clothes for the celebration, and on the day of the ceremony, the attendees were surprised that the banquet contained nothing but hay and barley! When they were astonished, Gallicola said: It is a great honor for them to eat from golden sheets what his horse eats, and so everyone submitted to the tyrant’s desire and ate hay and barley! Except for one, called Bracus, who refused, so Gallicula became angry and said to him: Who are you to refuse to eat what my horse eats? He issued a decision to step down from his position and appoint his horse in his place. Of course, those present cheered with mouths full of hay and declared their support for that madman.

However, Bracus revolted and shouted at Galicula and the members, declaring revenge for his honor. He shouted at the members of the Senate: How long, O nobles of Rome, will we remain subject to the tyranny of Galicula? He threw his shoe in the face of the horse and shouted, O nobles of Rome, do like me, restore your dishonored honor. The battle became impossible with dishes and everything they could get their hands on, and the members and supporters of Galicola gathered against him until they killed him, and they killed his horse as well. When the news reached the people, he quickly went out and destroyed the statues of “Galicola.” And also statues of his family members.

Source: websites