King Shulgi, Shulgi, or Shulgi
King Shulgi, Shulgi, or Shulgi 1----57
"King Shulgi", the king of Sumer in Iraq. He is the first musician known to the world and history. He is also credited with building the famous Ziggurat of Ur after his father (Urnmu) laid its foundations. His reign was characterized by the greatness of the administrative and legal organization, as more than 20 thousand clay tablets documenting everything that has reached us have reached us. It relates to legal, commercial, literary and cultural contracts. After his death, people built a temple for him over his grave, and the remains of the temple are still on his grave.
Shulgi or Shulgi (also read Dongi in Sumerian) is the second king of the Third Dynasty of Ur after his father, Urunmu, the legislator of the first law in Mesopotamia. His rule lasted for 48 years (1982-2029 BC). He was the one who completed the construction of the large Ziggurat of Ur after his father, Urunmu, was killed after one of the battles with the Kutians.

Shulgi is the son of Urunmu, according to the Sumerian kings list. Shulgi continued his father’s approach in fighting the Kutites. He also completed the construction of the Ziggurat of Ur, and also built temples. There are sources that attribute the construction of the temple of the god Isakila in Babylon to King Shulgi. He also built a monastery city after the Kutites were expelled from it. He also established several cities, villages, and streets, and he is also credited with being the first to build rest areas or cafes on the roads for rest.

(Introduction book to the history of ancient civilizations by Taha Baqir).