Mohammed V University... honoring professors of the Spanish language
Mohammed V University... honoring professors of the Spanish language 13-132
The Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, Mohammed V University, organized a ceremony on the occasion of the 67th anniversary of the founding of the Department of Spanish Language and Literature in Rabat (1957-2024), and on the occasion of Spanish Week, and it was a generous opportunity to honor the most prominent professors who contributed to the establishment of this specialty at this university.
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During the session that followed the opening session, Lorenzo Capellan de Toro, Cultural Counselor at the Spanish Embassy in Morocco, gave a lecture entitled “Spanish in Morocco,” in which he talked about his deep relationship with Morocco, which lasted for more than 30 years, and talked about the presence of Spanish in all vital fields in the country. Morocco is like education. He presented a historical overview of the beginning of establishing the teaching of the Spanish language, beginning in the northern part of Morocco. He spoke about the importance of the strength of Moroccan-Spanish relations and its positive impact on students, and this is reflected in the number of centers and students coming to learn Spanish. He also raised the issue of teaching Moroccan culture and language in Spain.
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Professor of the Polytechnic College of Nador, Hassan Arabi, presented an intervention entitled “The Balance of the Spanish Language and Its Perspectives in Morocco.” He considered that the Moroccan language is the dialect and Amazigh, and others are considered foreign, including the Arabic language, which does not originally belong to Morocco. He considered that the Spanish language is more Of a foreign language, but it has a history in Morocco, especially since the first written press was in the Spanish language in Tataouine and Tangier, and historical relations continued until the signing of the protection treaty, and with the period of pacification, Spain established Spanish schools, and he talked about the Fracoa period and the Moroccans’ contribution to the civil war of 1936. -1939, after independence and the completion of its territorial integrity, until it reached the stage of the spread of Spanish institutes even in small cities, and in the end it was considered that the future of the Spanish language in Morocco depended on the major trends of the Moroccan and Spanish states.
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Then Ms. Umama Awad, Mr. Abdel Salam and Oqab, Ms. Aida Al-Sharadi and Abdel Latif Limami were honored...

Source : websites