!!Amazing bowl
!!Amazing bowl 1----58
This, a bowl with a spout, dates back to the Old Kingdom, specifically the Fourth Dynasty (2613-2494 BC).
The strange thing is that this vessel is made of anorthosite gneiss, which is a very hard, greenish stone with distinct ripples and white impurities. Therefore, sculpting it in this way was extremely difficult.
The stone (anorthosite gneiss) was found only in Nubia in the Sahara Desert, west of the second cataract of the Nile River.
!!This wonderful Egyptian vessel with a spout is now in the Cleveland Museum of Art, in the United States of America
The Fourth Dynasty of Egypt ruled from 2613 to 2496 BC and is considered the golden age of the Old State and Egyptian civilization as a whole. This dynasty witnessed the largest architectural renaissance in the construction of the pyramids completely, until its era was called the era of the pyramid builders. Its kings succeeded in improving the economy, trade, mining, and military expansion against the tribes of Libya and Nubia. Arts, culture, and religious thought flourished in its era as a result of stability and prosperity.
The Fourth Dynasty was the second of four dynasties that together made up the “Old Kingdom.” King Senefru (the first king of the Fourth Dynasty) controlled the lands from ancient Libya in the west to the Sinai Peninsula in the east to Nubia in the south.

Source: websites