The difference between the Arabized Amazigh and the French
The difference between the Arabized Amazigh and the French 1----264
The difference between the Arabized and French Amazighs can be understood in the history of two Eurasian figures, Ammar Naqadi and Othman Saadi. The first left Algeria for France, where he was saturated with Western culture and values, which until now represent the latest developments of human civilization. He returned to us with an idea that can be said to be genius, to say the least. He sent the ancient Amazigh agricultural calendar and made the date of Sheshnak’s accession to the throne of Egypt a landmark for the beginning of this calendar. His idea spread throughout North Africa and he was able to unite its Amazigh population in this idea and connect them to the land and history of their ancestors.
As for Othman Saadi, he headed towards the Arab East, from which civilization moved to the West, and to this day he still asks the same old question: Why did the Christian West advance and the Islamic East fall behind?
He studied Arabic literature in Cairo and was influenced by the ideas of Arab nationalism and Nasserism. Instead of returning to us with ideas that would serve his country as a state and a nation steeped in history, he tried day and night to connect his nation with the East and Egypt, whose Cairo and its prosperity were built and flourished by his Katamite ancestors in the tenth century. He belittles the greatness of his North African nation and turns it into just an electron hovering around the metaphysical Arab homeland. A fighter for everything that is authentically Algerian and North African. Dedicated to dependency towards the outside

Source: websites