The alienated Arabized Amazighs are more dangerous than foreign colonialism
The alienated Arabized Amazighs are more dangerous than foreign colonialism 1---1081
Arabs from North African countries are suffering more than ever before, in order to brag about their lineage from the Arabian Peninsula, but as soon as they submit to genetic tests, they are shocked.
Since the "Islamic conquests" of North Africa, people have come to the country of Tamazgha who have nothing to do with the Amazigh, neither in terms of language, nor culture, nor even skin color. They are far removed from everything that is Amazigh, but due to the naivety and dullness of our ancestors, the Arabs were able to spread the word. Their control over Tamazgha is based on the Islamic religion, so that the country of Tamazgha becomes Islamic. Oh God, some of the Jews who live among our ancestors,
The alienated Arabized Amazighs are more dangerous than foreign colonialism 1---1082
Things were relatively well. Even most of the tribes adhered to the dialects of the Amazigh language. A small group spoke Arabic in the land of Tamazgha. Even these strangers assimilated into our culture. They also began to communicate in the dialects of the region.
During European imperialism in North Africa, nothing changed, until colonial France entered the country of Tamzgha until that systematic campaign began to Arabize Tamzgha irreversibly, and the evidence is that most of the colonial agents speak dialect Arabic, and they are a group of sheikhs from the corners, a malicious plan to link the Arabic language to the Islamic religion, For groups of sheikhs who have memorized the Qur’an to appear. The Arabization of the Ghamara region began at the beginning of the nineteenth century, so that the memorizers of the Qur’an were transported deep into the countryside, the central countryside and the eastern countryside, and some of them assimilated with the rural community and became rural speakers as well(Rif). The bike was restricted only to forces belonging to the Sultan of Fez.
With the advent of the 1940s and the founding of the Istiqbal Party by the first enemy of the Rif and the Amazighs in general, Allal Al-Fassi, Arabization campaigns began in all aspects of the nascent state, the “Kingdom of Morocco.” As soon as Amouraksh took its formal independence from “Mama France,” a sensitization campaign sometimes began. It led to massacres committed by Hassan II when he was crown prince in 1958. In fact, this campaign was not only to place the weapons of the resistance at the disposal of the Makhzen, but rather it was a disciplinary campaign and the imposition of a fait accompli: slavery and complete submission to the Alawite state regime and irrevocable separation from culture. Amazigh.
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Paradoxically, the common denominator between regimes like Gamal Abdel Nasser and Hassan II is Arabization and the attempt to completely obliterate the Amazigh identity. To some extent, Hassan II and “the leader of the Arab nation, Gamal Abdel Nasser,” succeeded in consolidating Arabization, but the people of Tamazgha, even if they were marginalized for a long time, They were deprived of education and public employment, but there was a large group from the countryside that migrated to the other side, towards Europe, to earn a living. At first, the head of the family migrated alone and the wife supported her children, but with the beginning of the eighties the situation changed, and the immigrant began to accompany his wife and children to European paradise. But what was not taken into account is that most members of this generation speak rural fluently in addition to the language of the country of residence, which made the store feel frustrated and disappointed.
With the arrival of Mohammed VI to power, the rural citizen became desired in the affairs of the state and even in sports, especially football. Very few players in the World Cup semi-final team spoke dialect Arabic. The Arabization policy in Amurrakesh succeeded in attracting some fools, such as the “Prophet’s lineage” and nationalist leftists, so that the Arabic language became the language of paradise, art, and communication at the same time, but the fluctuations that struck the Tamazgha region were the same wave that it witnessed a decade ago, the “Arab Spring.” It overthrew the old Arab regime, the Gaddafi regime, Benali and Bouteflika, so that the Makhzen was forced to constitutionalize the Amazigh language. As of writing these lines, it has not yet been activated in the joints of the state, but there are gains despite the will of the people and the “righteous believers.”
The issue of the Amazigh language has become a trump card in the hands of the store. The evidence for this is that many Ayishas declare a break with everything that comes from the Arab East. Everyone speaks with pride about the successive civilizations in the land of Tamazgha. The biggest losers from the campaign are “the Prophet’s dynasty” and the “Abdel Nasser” dynasty. They can no longer express their extremism. Hateful as it was before, but the anti-Amazigh law is still on the shelves, not yet activated.
The alienated Arabized Amazighs are more dangerous than foreign colonialism 1---1083
All the Salafists and nationalists have to do is accept the fait accompli that Amurrakesh is an Amazigh land, its culture is African, for the weak of souls, the choice is between Amazigh Amurrakesh or returning to the Arabian Peninsula and living with the Levant and speaking the Arabic language from sunrise until sunset. It is not possible for a Moroccan or a Desiree to be... You are your subconscious mind in the East. North Africa, the land of the Amazigh, loved by those who loved and hated by those who hated

Source : website