Scientists are astonished after finding an advanced tablet used by the inhabitants of the ancient city of Babylon
Scientists are astonished after finding an advanced tablet used by the inhabitants of the ancient city of Babylon 1----62
Archaeologists have been amazed after finding an advanced tablet used by Babylonian surveyors in the ancient city of Babylon. A city where some of the most influential empires of the ancient world ruled for a long time. The capital of the Babylonian Empire was a global center for trade, arts, and learning. It is estimated that it was the largest city in the world, and perhaps the first city with a population of more than 200,000 people. Now, it represents an ongoing archaeological excavation site, and contains only several thousand residents and a few villages within its borders.
It is also famous for the presence of one of the greatest secrets of the ancient world, which is the Tower of Babel
In 1894, American archaeologist Edgar Banks discovered a stone tablet, which he sold to collector George Plimpton. It was transferred to Columbia University in the 1930s. The tablet is known today as Plimpton 322. At the time, researchers did not realize its importance until 1894. 1945 to discover that it contains the Pythagorean triple.
But then it was left in limbo and Dr. Daniel Mansfield of the University of New South Wales in Australia was not allowed access until this year.
During his talk to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), which is covering a documentary program about the truth about the discovery of the tablet under the title “With the evidence, the ancient Babylonians are more advanced than we thought,” Dr. Mansfield stated: “That Babylonian tablet is the most interesting and complex “mathematical document” in the world. the old","En ajoutant que les civilisations anciennes comprenaient les mathématiques bien mieux que nous le pensions." Il a été étonné de voir les habitants de Mésopotamie comprendre la triple théorie de Pythagore à un niveau de développement qu’on ne pouvait pas attendre ou prédire.
Des documents historiques montrent que l'ère de la géométrie a commencé en Grèce lorsque les astronomes ont utilisé cette technique pour comprendre le mouvement des corps célestes dans le ciel nocturne, mais selon le Dr Mansfield : La tablette prouve qu'environ mille ans avant que les astronomes grecs n'observent le ciel nocturne. , les Babyloniens avaient leur propre compréhension des triangles rectangles et des rectangles. En utilisant cette technique pour observer le ciel nocturne, ils l'ont appliquée sur Terre à la vie quotidienne. Ils n’avaient pas ce que nous appelons aujourd’hui « le théorème de Pythagore ».

Source : sites Internet