Scientists are stunned after finding an advanced device used by the inhabitants of the ancient city of Babylon
Scientists are stunned after finding an advanced device 6240 
Archaeologists were surprised to find an advanced tablet used by Babylonian surveyors in the ancient city of Babylon. That city where some of the most influential empires in the ancient world ruled for a long time. The capital of the Babylonian Empire was a global center for trade, arts, and learning, and it is estimated that it was the largest city in the world, and perhaps the first city with a population of more than 200,000 people. Now it is an archaeological excavation site in progress, with only several thousand residents and a few villages within its borders.
It is also famous for having one of the greatest mysteries of the ancient world, the Tower of Babel, which was mentioned for the first time in the Book of Genesis in the Bible.
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In 1894, American archaeologist Edgar Banks discovered a stone tablet, which he sold to collector George Plimpton, to be transported to Columbia University in the 1930s. That tablet is known today as the Plimpton 322. At the time, researchers didn't realize its importance until 2000 1945 to discover that it contained the Pythagorean trilogy.
But then it was left forgotten and Dr Daniel Mansfield of the University of New South Wales in Australia was not allowed access until this year.
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Speaking to the BBC, which is covering a documentary about the discovery of the tablet under the title "With Evidence, the Ancient Babylonians Are More Progressive Than We Thought," Dr. Mansfield stated that "that Babylonian tablet is the most interesting and complex "mathematical document" in the world." ancient,” adding that ancient civilizations understood mathematics much better than we thought.” He marveled that the Mesopotamians understood the Pythagorean triple theorem at a level of sophistication that could not be predicted or predicted.

Historical documents show the era of geometry in Greece began with astronomers using this technique to understand the movement of celestial bodies in the night sky, but according to Dr. Mansfield: The tablet proves that about a thousand years before Greek astronomers observed the night sky, the Babylonians had a unique understanding of triangles and rectangles, rather From using this technique to looking at the sky at night, they have applied it to Earth in everyday life. They did not have what we today call the "Pythagorean Theorem".