Eternal fulfillment
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This statue in Georgia commemorates the story of the loyalty of a woman who waited for the sailor whom she loved and who traveled and promised to marry her after his return from the sea.
For forty-four years, she would wave to all the ships leaving or arriving at the port near her home, perhaps one of those ships would carry on its back the man who had promised her.
. The girl, Florence Martis, whom the sailor promised to return and marry, and she waited for him for 44 years, was spending her days in the port, waving to every passing ship and asking the sailors about him. It was said that she met 50,000 ships throughout her waiting period.
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Her story became an inspiration for every lover in her village.
The sailors told her story in every port they sailed to, but the sailor did not fulfill his promise to her.
On her seventieth birthday, before her death, this statue was erected in the place where she used to wave to ships so that her memory would remain eternal.

Source: websites