Increasing credibility of Darwinian evolution
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More than a century and a half has passed since Darwin's book On the Origin of Species, and over these years the evidence has become more solid and the consensus on the reality of Darwinian evolution has increased, to the point that the Vatican, which was one of the staunchest enemies of evolution, issued in 1996 a statement to the Pope that evolution had risen in status from a mere hypothesis. To an agreed scientific theory.
Likewise, Christian clergy in Western countries generally acknowledge the theory of evolution. As Dawkins mentioned, he participated with some English bishops in membership of education committees, and together they issued resolutions and letters rejecting the attempt of some institutes in England to remove evolution from biology lessons. In the West, this is the main source of modern science.
As for our Arab countries, there are still those who try to judge evolution as blasphemy, and the reality is that it is not correct to evaluate science with religion, nor to evaluate religion with science, because this involves an overlap in research methods that harms both religion and science. Religion deals with constants and unchanging beliefs, and the pillar of faith and submission, while science deals with Changing ideas and theories that are subject to refutation and denial and are based on doubt and experience. Scientific issues are discussed only with scientific arguments, and what some people attempt to judge scientific issues by resorting to religious arguments and citing holy books to resolve the dispute over a scientific issue such as evolution is not valid.
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This mixing of curricula is completely unacceptable. Because the Holy Books are not references in biology, geology, or any of the natural sciences. There is no Islamic physics or sport, a Christian one, and a pagan third. There may be individuals among scientists who are believers, agnostics, or atheists, but this has nothing to do with the knowledge they produce. Until now we use scientific and mathematical theories from the time of the pagan Greeks, and we similarly use scientific theories from Muslim, Christian, Jewish and Buddhist scholars.
From the book The Greatest Show on Earth

Source: websites