Discovery of a mummified dinosaur: it still has its skin.
Discovery of a mummified dinosaur: it still has its skin. 1--327
The specimen, which actually turned into rock after many millions of years, astonished experts.
This is a fossil of Edmontosaurus, a duck-billed dinosaur that lived about 67 million years ago, but what makes it unique is how well it is preserved.
It features a level of preservation that has never been seen before.
Scientists are studying the discovery of a "mummified" dinosaur found in 1999 in North Dakota.
Paleontologists resumed research on the specimen in 2018, when they noticed that it had been bitten by at least two predators.
The dinosaur's body remained exposed to the weather and rogue animals, and the holes left by these bites allowed gases, fluids and microbes to escape from the body before it completely decomposed.
In this way, the animal's skin was able to dry before burial and begin the fossilization process that enabled it to reach a state of preservation unprecedented until now.

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