Sumerian statue of a goat's head
Sumerian statue of a goat's head 1---190
A Sumerian statue of a goat's head made of gold and estimated to be 5,000 years old
Notice the precision of the carving and the finer details, especially the goat's horns
Arts, literature, and culture are terms that have a strong presence in the mind and a strong impact on the soul. They are almost intertwined like spider webs to the point of overlapping and mating, and some may reach the point of assigning them to one gender and one function. Arts, in the broad sense, are every creative product created by man, and it is one of The most important aspects of human culture because they are linked to humans from their very beginnings.
The passion of the human soul for the arts is nothing but a search for something that satisfies it or in order to obtain images of things that are more beautiful than they are in the realities occurring around it. It is clear that many who practice the arts in its various forms seek refuge in the arts when life is hard on them, so they resort to it in an attempt to... Forgetting or ignoring a fact, or to depict it in an artistic form, encapsulate it in new dimensions, and upload it to an artistic form capable of conveying that image to others, whether in its true, realistic form or in a symbolic, blurry form.
They are the Sumerians, skilled sculptors and makers of the first civilization in history.
The statue is in the British Museum

The British Museum/Babylon the gate of gods