This wig is about 3450 years old
This wig is about 3450 years old 13-367
A wig of one of the foreign princesses, wives of Emperor Thutmose III, was found among the contents of the tomb of the foreign wives of Thutmose III, western mainland, Luxor.
This wig is the wig of one of the wives of Emperor Tuthmosis III.
Thutmose III was born around 1481 BC in ancient Egypt
He died around 1425 BC in ancient Egypt
This wig is about 3450 years old 1-748
This wig was found among the contents of the tomb of Thutmose III's wives on the western mainland of Luxor
It is carefully embroidered with gold and is in a good state of preservation. It dates back to the New Kingdom, the Eighteenth Dynasty, around 1450 BC.
From the news of Ra, Tuthmosis III (1425 BC), the sixth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty, and is considered the founder of the modern Egyptian Empire at that time. This empire remained until about 1070 BC until the reign of Ramses XI.

Source: websites