Roman Empire
Roman Empire 1---659
Athalaric, grandson of Theoderic "the Great"
Athalaric was the grandson of Theodoric "the Great", who was ordered by the Eastern Emperor Zeno to overthrow Odoacer, the self-proclaimed barbarian king of Italy who finally ended the Western Roman Empire by deposing Romulus Augustus.
While Theodoric promoted the separation of the Arian and Roman peoples
(And prohibiting mixed marriage)
He stressed the importance of racial harmony and did much to preserve Roman culture. Seeking to regain some of Rome's lost glory, Theodoric ruled Italy during its most peaceful and prosperous period since Valentinian I more than a century earlier, until his death in 526.
Theodoric died and had no male children. His daughter Amalasuntha received a Roman education, and he chose for her a husband Eutharic, an Ostrogoth of royal lineage who lived mysteriously in Spain. The marriage was celebrated in the year AD. 515, and Athalaric was born three years later. Theoderic destined this infant to be his successor.
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Athalaric received a Roman education, and after his grandfather's death he ascended to the throne of Italy at the age of ten. His mother Amalasuntha assumed the reins of government as regent during her son's minority, although the Gothic nobility soon insisted that Athalaric be raised in the manner of his people. However, Athalaric was of a weak and decadent nature, and the young Goths with whom he associated soon led him into early debauchery which spoiled his health. He died in the year 534 at the age of eighteen.
Now queen, Amalasuntha made her cousin Theodahad co-throne with the aim of strengthening her position. However, Theodahad further strengthened the discontent of the Goths and ensured that Amalasuntha was imprisoned on the island of Martana in Lake Bolsena, where she was killed shortly afterwards in her bath.
Ostrogoths, Athalaric Æ 20 Nome. Municipal coinage in Rome, 526-534 AD. INVICTA ROMA, bust of Rome right, wearing a crowned helmet, earrings and pendant necklace / The she-wolf stands left, turning her head back to watch the infants Romulus and Remus being suckled; Two stars surround the Chi-Rho above, and the value sign XX below. Hahn, MIB 71C (Theoderich); Kraus 29; Mitlish 84 b. 6.64g, 19mm, 6 hours.
Roman Empire 13-372
very good. Very rare, and one of the best surviving coins from the reign of Athalaric. An exceptional example of this type, struck from dies in what can almost be described as a fine classical style.

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