?NASA may have killed alien life on Mars. How did that happen
?NASA may have killed alien life on Mars. How did that happen 13-375
A German space scientist revealed that NASA may have found alien life on Mars, but killed it by mistake.
According to the British newspaper "Metro", the German astronomer "Jerke Schulz-Makuch", who works at the Technical University of Berlin, talked about that humans may have already found alien life on the planet Mars 50 years ago, but they drowned it by mistake.
The German scientist expected that the experiment of adding water to the soil of Mars in the 1970s could have drowned life that might have existed on the red planet.
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In 1967, the Viking lander conducted a set of biological experiments to detect the presence of microorganisms in the Martian soil by measuring the release of radioactive carbon dioxide from a soil sample and then mixing it with a food solution.
The theory was based on the idea that if there was life on Mars, the organisms would consume nutrients and release radioactive carbon as a gas.
Scientist Makosh confirmed that the water containing the nutrient solution that was placed in the Martian soil may have been too liquid, which would have caused the death of any life after a period of time.
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Controversial results
Metro newspaper said that the results of scientists' experiments on Mars were controversial, as some scientists confirmed that the positive results were due to the presence of microorganisms in the Martian soil, while others believed that the results They were due to non-biological processes such as the oxidation of organic compounds in Martian soil.
The German scientist said: “Scientists during the launch of the Viking rover had little understanding of the Martian environment, and since Earth is a water planet, it seemed reasonable that adding water might lead to the emergence of life in the extremely dry Martian environment.”
He pointed out that extremely dry places on Earth, such as the Atacama Desert in Chile, showed a gradual development of life forms with increasing drought, calling for a new mission to Mars to test his hypothesis and discover life on the Red Planet.

"Potential habitats on Mars such as the southern highlands, where life could survive in salty rocks near the surface, should be explored," Makuch continued. "I can't wait for such a mission to begin."

Source: websites