?NASA discovers evidence of life on Mars.. Is departure to the Red Planet close
NASA discovers evidence of life on Mars. 13-403
NASA has identified a gas on Mars produced by living organisms on Earth - X
The US space agency NASA has found traces that may be evidence of the existence of life near a crater on Mars , and of the presence of living organisms on the Red Planet and other alien creatures that humans believe exist.
According to a report published by the Daily Mail newspaper, scientists have revealed the presence of groundwater salts deposited in the soil in the form of a crust, and this crust traps methane gas that is released when temperatures rise.
NASA identified a gas on Mars produced by organisms on Earth, which puzzled scientists about what could be hiding on the Red Planet.
The American agency's robot, Curiosity Rover, discovered a continuous flow of
methane gas, which appears at different times of the day and fluctuates seasonally, sometimes up to 40 times higher than usual, and scientists believe that the source comes from deep within the Earth.
NASA discovers evidence of life on Mars. 13--111
The NASA team suggested that the methane could be encased under the hardened salt, only escaping when temperatures rise on Mars, or when Curiosity rolls over the crust and cracks it.
Scientists used this sample of Martian soil to conduct an experiment on how the crust is formed, and methane gas is trapped under the planet’s surface during the day, as on Earth, this simple molecule, consisting of a carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms, is usually a sign of life.
NASA's Curiosity Mars Rover has been roaming the surface of Mars since 2012, and during all that time, the most perplexing thing it found was the constant flow of methane gas, over a long period, and salts emerging from deep within the planet's rocky surface and soil.
The scientists behind the study wrote that on Mars, such a process could occur naturally over a long period of time in areas of shallow permafrost, and it may be possible for enough salt to accumulate in the upper layer to form a seal, at the same time that Salty steam rises, methane gas also rises, but the source of the methane remains a mystery.

It could be from some type of organism, or it could be from geological processes beneath the planet's surface, which remain invisible to human scientists. Wherever it comes from, it ends up trapped under this salt crust.

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