DNA extraction from a mummy
DNA extraction from a mummy 12741
A team of American forensic scientists succeeded in extracting DNA from a 4,000-year-old Egyptian mummy located in the Boston Museum, and they finally solved a mystery that is more than a century old. The scientists explained that this mummy had its head cut off, mutilated, and covered with bandages, and the scientists found it during Their search in 1915 was carried out by a team of American archaeologists who were searching in the Deir al-Barsha area in the Old Minya area, and when they entered a hidden cemetery, they were greeted by a hideous scene of a severed mummy’s head on a coffin.
The tomb thieves had preceded the mission and looted the burial chamber with gold and jewellery, dumped the headless body in the corner of the cemetery and set fire to the cemetery to cover up what they had done. The surviving wooden coffins and statues were then moved and sent to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston in 1921.

Source: websites