The cruelest thing ever written about the mother
The cruelest thing ever written about the mother 1--1531
This shadow was none other than “Mother”... one of the cruelest things written about mothers in world literature..
Russian literature is one of the most beautiful things humanity has ever known. Russian literature was not limited only within Russia's vast borders, but rather it spread far beyond it to all countries of the world, becoming among the most influential literatures on the global level.
Among the most famous Russian writers is Anton CHEKHOV, who was called the master of the modern short story. Anton Chekhov is the doctor who invented the art of the short story and dedicated it to humanistic literature. He found in himself a strange inclination toward the letter and the word more than his inclination toward the stethoscope. So he created a collection of immortal literary masterpieces.
But the cruelest thing written in Russian literature is when Chekhov spoke about his mother in a passage from his memoirs. His relationship with her had been a special relationship since his childhood, when he would run away from his father with poor morals towards his mother’s warm embrace. She would also tell him her evening stories in order to... Sleeps...
Some accounts say that when he became bedridden and his health condition worsened after he contracted pulmonary tuberculosis, which caused his early death, his mother would stand on his head and encourage him to stand up again, and say to him: Come on, get up, you strong one... Never surrender to death, and he kept trying to stand up. For the sake of his mother, but death was quicker to snatch his soul to heaven.
Chekhov says in this passage from his memoirs:
I died two minutes ago.. I found myself here alone with a group of angels, and others I do not know who they are. I begged them to bring me back to life, for the sake of my wife, who is still young, and my son, who has not yet seen the light. My wife was in her third month of pregnancy. Several more minutes passed. One of the angels came carrying something that looked like a television screen. He told me that the timing between this world and the hereafter varies a lot. Minutes here are equivalent to many days there.
"You can check on them from here."
He turned on the screen and my wife immediately appeared carrying a small child! The picture was very fast. Time was changing every minute. My son was growing older and older, and everything was changing. My wife changed the furniture. She was able to get my pension. My son went to school, my brothers got married one after the other, everyone had their own life. Many incidents happened, and in the busy traffic and the blurry picture, I noticed something stationary in the back, looking like a black shadow. Many minutes passed, and the same shadow was still in all the pictures. She was passing by. Over the years, the shadow was getting smaller and fading. I called one of the angels and begged him to bring this shadow closer to me so that I could see it well. He was a compassionate angel. He not only zoomed in on the picture, but rather showed the scene at the same time on earth, and I am still here sitting in my place. For fifteen years, I have been watching this shadow cry, and I cry. This shadow was none other than “my mother.”

Source: websites