Primordial black holes
Primordial black holes 1---131
Did you know that several times after the birth of the universe through the Big Bang, there were celestial bodies called primordial black holes! It is one of the types of black holes that appeared quickly, shortly after the birth of the universe, and then quickly disappeared
These black holes were very small objects the size of an atom and their mass was equivalent to the mass of a mountain on the surface of the Earth.
They disappeared very quickly, given that their mass was very small (according to the quantum physical laws that govern black holes, the smaller the black hole’s mass, the faster it evaporates, and vice versa). This explains the disappearance of these black holes after their appearance in very short times, amounting to fractions of a second. ❗
Note that it is still just a scientific hypothesis, as it has never been observed. Rather, it is only believed that it existed billions of years ago, and it appeared due to the enormous pressure and very high temperature in the universe at that time, which contributed to the emergence of regions of great material density through which these primitive black holes were formed.

Source: websites