Philosophers' Quotes
Philosophers' Quotes  1--337
1 - Do not be surprised when a bird runs away while you are approaching it with food in your hand. Birds, unlike some people, believe that freedom is more precious than bread.
2 - The water said to the oil: How can you be superior to me when I am the one who grew your tree? Where is the literature? The oil said: You... I grew up contentedly in the rivers, and I was patient with the times and oppression, and with patience we rise.
3- Tears are not drops, they are words, but it is very difficult to find someone who reads and understands these words.
4 - Some people's hearts are like a dry autumn leaf, no matter how much you water it, it will never turn green in your hands, so do not exhaust yourself and leave it to the winds.
5 - Be dignified and do not bow down, no matter what. Perhaps you will not have the opportunity to raise your head again.
6 - Words are like seeds, but they are planted in hearts and not in the ground, so be careful of what you plant and take care of what you say, as one day you may have to eat what you planted.
7 - Respect has ten parts, nine of which are silence, and the tenth is your isolation from small minds.
8 - Do not be like a microscope that magnifies small details and reveals ugliness. Be like mirrors that reflect what is in front of them impartially.

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