Einstein's most famous quotes
Einstein's most famous quotes about science and knowledge
Einstein's most famous quotes about science and knowledge are as follows:
If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.
The hardest thing for the mind to understand is income tax.
Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
It is a miracle that curiosity escapes formal education.
The most important thing is to not stop the question.
Don't worry about the obstacles you face in mathematics, because I assure you that mine are much greater.
Culture is what remains after you forget everything you learned in school.
Science is a wonderful thing if you don't make a living from it.
Imagination is more important than knowledge, it surrounds the world.
All our knowledge that we measure against reality is primitive and childish, but it is the most valuable thing we have.
I do not know with what weapon they will fight in World War III, but the weapon of World War IV will be sticks and stones.
Science is nothing but a rearrangement of your daily thinking.
The closer the laws are to reality, the more unstable they become, and the closer they are to stability, the more unrealistic they become.
God created the universe according to laws that do not recognize chance or randomness.
Is the most beautiful sense of mystery, it is the art and science source.
Truth is what stands up to the test of experience.
Equations are more important to me. Politics is for the present, while equations are for eternity.
If A=Success, then A=B+C+R, where B=Work, C=Play, R=Keep your mouth shut. The most precious thing in the world is intuition or a bright idea.
Between the past, present and future there is only an illusion in the thinking of the human mind.
It's not that I'm super smart, it's just that I spend more time solving problems. If you can't explain your idea to a year-old, you haven't understood it yet.
I am artistic enough to draw freely in my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.
Great spirits have always met with violent resistance from those with limited minds. Such minds remain incapable of understanding the man who refuses to unquestioningly bend to popular prejudices, choosing instead to express his opinions with courage and honor.
I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times the result of my thinking is wrong, and never once out of a hundred am I right.
If you claim to understand an idea, you should be able to explain it to your grandmother.
Education is not learning facts, but training the mind to think.
We can't solve a problem using the same mindset that created it.
School education will bring you a job, while self-education will bring you a mind.
The more mathematical facts refer to reality the more uncertain they are, and the more certain they are unreal.
If I were not a physicist, I would probably become a musician. I often think about music. I daydream about music and look at my life in terms of music. My best times are those I spend playing the violin.
Einstein's most famous quotes about man and life
Einstein's most famous quotes about man and life are as follows:
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
Everything great and inspiring was created by man who worked freely.
Any fool can make things seem bigger and more complicated, but it takes a brave genius to make them seem otherwise.
A person who has not made a mistake has not tried anything new.
The truth is pure fiction, although it may persist.
The problems in today's world cannot be solved by minds that created them.
Everything in which our calculations are wrong we call coincidence.
What matters to me more than the past is the future, as I intend to live in it.
Our biggest problem is the ideality of the means and the ambiguity of the ends.
There are two things that are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; As for the universe, I'm still not entirely sure. Human life begins when life can outside himself.
There are two ways to live: either you live and see everything as a miracle, or you live and see nothing as a miracle.
You have to learn the rules of the game first, then you have to learn how to play better than others.
The world is a dangerous place to live not because there are evil people, but because others do nothing about it. Look deeply into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
Few people see with their eyes and feel with their hearts.
If a person commits to good deeds for fear of punishment and hope for rewards, then we are extremely sorry.
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has limits.
What is right is not always popular, and what is popular is not always right.
Any idiot can know, but the basis is understanding.
If your house is made of glass, don't throw stones at people.
We are prisoners of our limited senses; This is why we are unable to see and imagine the truth.
We have the ability to choose whether to deny atomic weapons or face total annihilation. Nationalism is a childhood disease and is the measles of the human race. Our school books glorify wars, hide their atrocities, and instill hatred in the veins of children. I prefer teaching peace to teaching war, and teaching love to teaching hatred.
Life is like riding a bike, to maintain your balance, you have to keep walking.
The majority of humanity clings to ridiculous goals: wealth, power, greatness, comfort, fame. I despise these things, and I respect man only for his knowledge and positive actions.
Three rules for action: From chaos you find simplicity, from strife you find harmony, and in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
Einstein's most famous quotes about fear and silence
Einstein's most famous quotes about fear and silence are as follows:
Fear of death is the most unjustified type of fear, as there is no danger to the dead person that any misfortunes will happen to him.
The world is a very dangerous place to live in, not because of the abundance of bad people in it, but because of the silence of good people about what bad people do in it.
A person's moral behavior must be based on kindness, education, social ties and needs. There is no need for a religious reference. A bad person is one who is deterred by fear of punishment and hopes for reward after death.
If people are only good because they fear punishment and desire reward, then we are truly a pathetic bunch. Einstein's most famous quotes about success
Einstein's most famous quotes about success are as follows:
Don't strive for success, strive for value.
The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.
A great soul always encounters opposition from mediocrity.
Knowledge is not information. The only source of knowledge is experience and expertise.
Source: websites