Nicobar pigeons are the most beautiful types of pigeons in the world
Nicobar pigeons are the most beautiful types of pigeons in the world 13-497
One of the most beautiful and wonderful types of pigeons found in nature, if not the most beautiful at all. This pigeon is distinguished by its very picturesque colors, the intensity of which varies according to the level of lighting, as it may range between dark green and bright gray, in addition to various gradations between violet and orange, but what increases it Beauty is the long feathers that cover its neck and make it shine.
The Nicobar pigeon (scientific name: Caloenas nicobarica) is a type of the dove family and is one of the most beautiful types of pigeons in the world. This type of pigeon lives on “Nicobar Island,” which is why it is called the Nicobar pigeon.
It is a heavy pigeon, reaching a length of 40 cm. It is colored in many wonderful colors, the predominant color being dark green. It has a short white tail and also has a black beak, and a gray neck and chest. The female differs from the male in terms of size and color, as the female It is smaller in size and has a shorter beak than the male. The lower parts of the body are darker in color in the female. The female’s tail is black and becomes white when it reaches maturity.
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Nicobar bath
Nicobar pigeons feed on plants found on the forest floor, as they feed on berries and some other fruits. They also feed on worms and insects. Not only this, they are also able to eat hard coconuts that do not break easily. Also, the Nicobar pigeon does not drink water, but rather puts its beak in it and absorbs it.
It does not differ much from other pigeons, as the males coo loudly in order to attract the females, and the female presents with a bow-like movement as evidence of his acceptance. Then the male Nicobar pigeon builds a nest from dry twigs on tree branches, and when the female lays the eggs, the male shares an embrace with her. The incubation period lasts fifteen days, then the eggs hatch. The female then feeds her young through her beak with a milk-like liquid that she extracts from her crop. After that, the parents prepare all means to warm the young well and work on this matter for ten days, and the parents continue to care for the young. For a period of thirty days, then the young become able to fully rely on themselves. It is worth noting that Nicobar pigeons often only mate once until they die. He is never inclined to change his partner.
This dove is considered the closest living creature to the dodo bird that inhabited the island of Mauritius.
Nicobar pigeons are the most beautiful types of pigeons in the world 13-201
Its habitat:
The largest concentration of this species is found in the Nicobar Islands, but it is also found in the Mergui Archipelago, the small islands off the Malay Peninsula, Cambodia, southern Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines to New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, as it prefers to live in forests and humid plains in addition to... Mangroves and areas with evergreen shrubs.
His nutrition:
Like most doves, the Nicobar pigeon feeds on seeds, buds, and fruits, in addition to insects and some small pebbles to help it digest the hard seeds.
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Nicobar pigeons feed on some seeds
The difference between male and female:
Despite the strong similarity between the male and the female, in many cases it is possible to differentiate between them easily, as the male is distinguished by its larger size compared to the female. In addition, his iris tends to be brown, unlike females, which tend to be white.
Breeding season:
It can reproduce throughout the year, but it is usually observed in the wild. It reproduces between June and January, where it builds its nests in uninhabited areas far from any human intervention. The female lays a single egg that is white with a light blue color. Both parents take turns incubating the egg for a period of time. It takes between 3-4 weeks, and the young emerge from the nest after about a month. The young become sexually mature after they reach two years of age, when they grow a white tail, which represents a distinguishing mark between young and adult birds.
Education :
Raising this pigeon is no different from raising other species, but it is not a carrier pigeon so that it gets used to the place and you release it. It is also better for it to be placed in a large pen with bushes, sand, and water that is always available. She is given all types of seeds intended for pigeons during her lunch, with the addition of some fruits.
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Duration of life (age):
In the wild, this type of pigeon can live for between 8 and 12 years, and 10-15 years in captivity.
general information :
• Unfortunately, this dove has been included in the Red List of endangered birds due to the sharp decline it has witnessed in recent years due to the pet trade, habitat destruction, and predation.
• These birds are monogamous, meaning they take one partner throughout their lives.
• Nicobar pigeons prefer to breed in large colonies consisting of more than 20 pairs.

• The white deer helps them fly in flocks at night, as it plays an important role in directing the birds and keeping them within one flock.

Source: websites