The strangest tribes with blue eyes and their women are the most beautiful women in the world
The strangest tribes with blue eyes and their women are the most beautiful women in the world 13--58
In the Hindu Kush mountains of Pakistan, there are about 6,000 people who are completely different from the rest of the Pakistani people in their appearance and way of thinking. They resemble Europeans in their skin color and blue eyes, which is something unusual for the Pakistani people. Some believe that they are descendants of Alexander the Great's army, but their true origins remain a mystery to this day, and historical sources have failed to determine their origins.
The distinctive thing about the members of this tribe is their white skin, blond hair, and blue eyes. You would think they were Russians or Europeans, but they are much more beautiful than they are. They confirm that they are descendants of Alexander the Great, who invaded this region in the fourth century BC, about 2,300 years ago.
The strangest tribes with blue eyes and their women are the most beautiful women in the world 13--244
Pakistani Kalash tribes
The strange thing is that they live in an area near the stronghold of the Pakistani Taliban movement. This is like a miracle or a legend.
The Kalash people of the northern glaciated highlands of Pakistan are believed to be descendants of Alexander the Great or of Alexander's soldiers who lost their way in the Hindu Kush mountain range in ancient times, but new genetic analyses in the region suggest that the Kalash people may in fact be indigenous to the region.
The Kalashis are distinguished by their unique traditions and culture. In consideration of their ethnicity, they are not similar to the surrounding ethnic groups, neither genetically, religiously, nor culturally, although they are completely different from the rest of the people of Pakistan in their way of thinking and appearance, which is similar to Europeans in the color of their skin, blond hair, and green, blue, black, gray, and brown eyes.
Nature plays a very important role in their daily lives and spiritual beliefs. The fluctuations of weather and seasons are part of their traditions and religious rituals, as they offer sacrifices for these seasons through festivals and religious holidays that they hold to mark the arrival of one new season after another.
The strangest tribes with blue eyes and their women are the most beautiful women in the world 13-704
The Kailash are distributed among three valleys located between the Hindu Kush glaciers in northern Pakistan, which remain cut off from the world for about half the year. These are the valleys of Rambur, Bamburit and Barir. The Barir valley is considered the most cultural of the three valleys, and the valley retains some features of ancient Greek civilization, indicating the ethnic relationship of the Kailash with Alexander the Great or with members of his army in terms of lineage.
However, their current civilization is a mixture of Islamic, Hindu and Persian culture, and some aspects of it are mixed with the culture of the inhabitants of the Central Asian republics, due to the geographical location of the region in the middle of the mentioned civilizations. Despite the presence of clear signs of ancient Greek culture in the area of the three Kailash Valleys, some studies conducted by European scientists on some archaeological landmarks represented by rock and wood carvings and some words integrated into their language “Khawar” have indicated the existence of a relationship between them and Alexander the Great, but genetic studies have not yet proven their relationship with Greece.
Some scientists believed that they descended from the Middle East, Eastern Europe, or the Caucasus, but these studies also did not produce clear results, and the opinion remains stable that they are the indigenous people of the region due to the lack of compatibility of their genes with the world’s population, including the regions of Asia itself.
The Kalash woman retains her full right to choose a husband or replace him with another husband whenever she wishes during her life and for unlimited times, so that the new husband pays twice the dowry paid by the first husband to the woman’s father, so that the father keeps half the amount and returns the other half to the first husband to settle his accounts with him, while the first husband does not have the right to protest or object as long as the wife has said goodbye to him, which is an act similar to divorce. The Kalash do not hold a special wedding occasion, and the marriage takes place as soon as the woman flees to the house of the husband she chooses, so that the husband negotiates with her father the next day to determine the amount that can be described as the dowry to be paid to the father of the bride who fled to her husband’s house.
The strangest tribes with blue eyes and their women are the most beautiful women in the world 13-225
The Kalash do not live like the rest of the conservative ethnic groups surrounding them. The Kalash do not prevent mixing between men and women, but they live according to social boundaries that prevent social corruption. They marry and spend a married life with their life partners like others, although the woman always reserves the right to replace her husband. Despite the existence of this option for women, most Kalash women do not change their husbands after giving birth, out of concern for the future of their children.
The three Kalash tribes do not exceed 6,000 individuals. They are not Muslims and depend on drinking alcohol extracted locally from fruits to cope with the harsh cold and icy environment. In addition, their diet depends on dried fruits, nuts, honey, ghee, and meat, in addition to wheat, corn, and millet. They do not have a variety of meals and have a completely different outlook on life compared to the rest of the population of Pakistan. They are famous for their dances that resemble ancient Greek folklore. In general, the Kalash are a poor people who depend mainly on agriculture and livestock, in addition to tourism, which is not considered the basis of their economy, given that the region remains cut off from the world for nearly half the year due to the blockage of the roads leading to it due to the accumulation of ice.
The Kalash are a very poor people, most of them are farmers who make their houses out of wood but their foundations are solidly made of stone and their life is very harsh and difficult especially with the spread of cholera in this remote area.
In terms of dress, the men’s dress is no different from the well-known Pakistani dress of trousers and a shirt with a hat with a feather on top, while the dress of the women of Kalash is completely different from the dress known in the entire region.
The strangest tribes with blue eyes and their women are the most beautiful women in the world 13---31
The Kailash tribes are the strangest tribes in Pakistan
The three valleys of Kailash are also known as Kafiristan, which means in the local language (the land of the infidels) in reference to their religion, which experts in Pakistan classify as pagan, although it does not resemble the group of religions known in the Indian subcontinent. The Kailash believe in gods who cannot be seen but are present among them at the beginning or end of each season. They offer sacrifices of livestock and food and dances are performed to them according to the seasons of the year in addition to folk dances. The Kailash do not worship idols, trees, fire or anything visible or tangible, which is what prompted a large number of them to convert to Islam. A large number of Kailash have accepted Islam in recent years due to their mixing with other local ethnicities and cultures surrounding them with the renewal of transportation means and the opening of a land route to their areas with the spread of mobile phones and audio, print and visual media.
While the Kalash still live in old-fashioned houses built of wood and stone, divided into a guest room and a sleeping room for the family, this room is equipped with a wood-burning stove with a chimney that smokes out during the winter.
The strangest tribes with blue eyes and their women are the most beautiful women in the world 13---32
The Kalash speak a language known as “Khawar” or “Dartak”, which is a language that includes a group of words from Indian and Persian languages, along with a large family of words from ancient European languages. The language of this ethnic group is also known as the Kalash language, in reference to their ethnicity. It is an endangered language due to the rapid mixing of words from the local Urdu and Pashto languages, as well as the English language, although statistics indicate that the number of speakers of the aforementioned language does not exceed 5,000 people at present, especially after the spread of education in the Kalash region.
The Kailash are famous for organizing seasonal festivals, three of which are considered part of their traditions and religious rituals. The “Shilngusht” festival is held in late May every year. It is a festival celebrating the milk day, in which milk collected during the ten days before the festival day is spilled in order to continue milk throughout the year, according to their belief. The “Achau” festival is held in the fall to celebrate the arrival of winter. The most important festival is the “Kalsh” festival, held between December 7-22 every year. It celebrates the end of the harvest season. This festival includes a lot of dancing, music and sacrifice of goats. Women dance in a circular group that has become a constant symbol of the entire “Chitral” district. Hundreds of tourists flock to watch this festival every year. The Kailash offer large quantities of food to the ancestors’ graves for the animals to eat later. The “Kamis” festival is held in the middle of winter, in which men are divided into two categories, good and rude. During this festival, a fox is hunted from the forest and then left after wrapping it around a fire and following it. To determine the direction of blessing or livelihood according to their religious rituals, there is another group of small festivals such as the “Shepherd King” festival in which a pre-teen boy is sent to the mountains to live with the goats during the summer and upon his return he is allowed to choose the girl he wishes to be his wife even if she is the wife of another man and in this case the girl he chooses loses the right to replace him with another husband for life as he is the goat king.

The burial ceremonies of the dead of this tribe differ from those of other peoples, as the bodies are buried with dancing and joy instead of sadness and crying. The Kailash cemeteries are considered one of the strangest cemeteries on earth, as the body of the deceased is left in a closed wooden box similar to a coffin in the open air in the middle of the cemetery. If it is a female, she is decorated exactly like a bride with beautiful clothes, bracelets and precious jewelry, while the family of the deceased is forced to sell half or all of their livestock to complete the funeral ceremonies of the deceased in the Kailash way, which lasts for about 7 days, during which those coming to the condolences are fed and special meals are prepared for them, which are only prepared on occasions of condolences, most of which consist of meat, nuts and fruits, accompanied by folk dance ceremonies accompanied by sad singing. The mourning over the body of the deceased continues for three consecutive days, until the deceased is placed in the coffin or wooden box at the end of the third day.
The life of the Kalash is healthy because of the environment, pure local food, long walks and daily mountain climbing, and many of them live to be 100 years old or more.

Source : wesites