Amazighs call on South African president to take ‘Algerian generals’ to ICC
Amazighs call on South African president to take ‘Algerian generals’ to ICC 13-202
Mr Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa
Subject: Request to bring the ‘Algerian generals’ before the International Criminal Court (ICC)
Dear Mr President,
On the occasion of World Africa Day, we have the honour to ask you to speak out on an issue of vital importance for peace in North Africa and the Sahel, which are plagued by armed conflicts in the Moroccan Western Sahara and the Central Sahara in the Azawad region.
The fact that some Algerian sports officials want their Algerian Football Federation (FAF) to leave the Confederation of African Football (CAF) to join the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) raises the pertinent and strange question of whether the Algerian officials are really ‘Africans’ or whether they consider themselves ‘Arabs’, originally from Arabia, in which case they are Asians who have the wrong continent!
Let us confess, first of all, that as Amazighs, as indigenous peoples of North Africa, we hardly understand the attitude of the leaders of the country of the late anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela with regard to their all-out defence of an ‘Arab’ republic within Afro-Moroccan Western Sahara, blindly defending the false theses of the ‘Algerian generals’, who show no political will to solve this regional problem.
Amazighs call on South African president to take ‘Algerian generals’ to ICC 4117
As the Algerian journalist and opposition activist Hichem Aboud, author of the best-seller ‘LA MAFIA DES GENERAUX’, pointed out in one of his videos on 20 May, referring to these ‘unscrupulous generals’: ‘Algeria has no project. No economic project, no social project, nothing at all? The only project of the Algerian government is to stay at the head of power in order to continue plundering Algeria, to continue stealing and to continue repressing the Algerian people...’.
Before getting to the heart of the matter, we would like to commend your country, South Africa, for its commendable initiative in bringing a case against the State of Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, accusing it of genocide and war crimes committed against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip on 26 January. This led ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan to declare that there were reasonable grounds to believe that Israel's leadership and senior Hamas officials were criminally responsible for the war crimes and crimes against humanity allegedly committed in Gaza, and to consider issuing arrest warrants against them.
In this regard, we would very much welcome a similar initiative against the ‘Algerian generals’ who continue to violate human rights, murder opponents and pursue a policy of anti-Amazigh apartheid, repressing the ‘Amazigh’ communities in Algeria for decades.
We have the feeling that certain Algerian politicians have misled you into believing that it was the FLN who offered precious aid to your leader Nelson Mandela, during the fifties and early sixties of the last century, when in fact it was the Amazighs of the Rif and the Moroccans who had the real merit of providing such aid to the ANC and the FLN, given that the Algerian revolutionaries found refuge and solidarity in our lands. The late Nelson Mandela confessed that he had learned to handle a pistol in the barracks of Segangan, in the province of Nador, and that he stayed at the Assalam hotel, which was provided to him by my maternal grandfather and his brothers. During his lifetime, our famous world hero of the struggle against apartheid, Nelson Mandela, declared and confessed that he had received substantial financial support from the King of Morocco. It was to his credit that he acknowledged this and paid a vibrant tribute to Morocco and Dr Abdelkrim el Khatib during his lifetime, as this historic video shows:

If we are asking you to bring the ‘Algerian generals’ before the ICC, it is not only because they practise ‘State terrorism’, through the creation of the Salafist group Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), as attested to in the study by François Gèze and Salima Mellah, and which we have just denounced, for the umpteenth time, in our recent correspondence to Mr. Mohamed Ould Cheikh El-Ghazouani, President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania and President of the African Union, with the aim of destabilising the countries of the Sahel and contributing to the destabilisation of the Sahelian countries. Mohamed Ould Cheikh El-Ghazouani, President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania and President of the African Union, with the aim of destabilising the countries of the Sahel and contributing directly or indirectly to the destruction of the region. Mohamed Ould Cheikh El-Ghazouani, President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania and of the African Union, with the aim of destabilising the countries of the Sahel, and contributing directly or indirectly to the genocide of the Tuaregs of Azawad. Especially for the various crimes committed against their own indigenous ‘Amazigh’ communities. Think, for example, of the bloody repression of the ‘Black Spring’, when the Algerian gendarmerie murdered with impunity 127 young people from the Kabylia region in April 2001, without a single officer being brought to justice.
Since 2013 and throughout 2014 and 2015, it was the turn of unrest in the Mzab region, populated by more than 200,000 people of the Ibadite religious rite. These Amazigh Mozabites, threatened by the self-styled ‘Arab’ community of Chaâmbas, which set about burning their shops and homes, found themselves defenceless in the hands of the authorities. Instead of helping them, the authorities lashed out at these Mozabite victims, whose revolts were accompanied by the death of young people, destruction and looting, the imprisonment and persecution of their leaders, and the death by hunger strike of their leader, the late Dr. Kameleddine Fekhar, during the ‘Algerian Hirak’. A hirak that began in February 2019, when tens of thousands of Algerians spontaneously took to the country's streets to protest against the prospect of a fifth term for outgoing President Abdelaziz Bouteflika and the return of the military to the barracks, with the army subordinate to democratically elected civilians, rather than a largely falsified and rejected presidential election on 12 December 2019, which brought Abdelmadjid Tebboune to power, as a puppet of the generals, and who have never stopped imprisoning democrats, muzzling the press and persecuting human rights activists and pacifist political movements, such as the Movement for Self-Determination of Kabylia (MAK), which they have treated as terrorist movements, allowing them to continue to persecute and imprison Kabylie activists such as Belaid Abrika, leader of the Aarchs, Bouaziz Ait Chebib of the MAK, . ... And trying to assassinate in France Chaoui Hichem Aboud and MAK president Ferhat Mehenni ...
Amazighs call on South African president to take ‘Algerian generals’ to ICC 40141
These criminal generals were responsible for several political assassinations through the creation of terrorist groups, such as Jamal Zitouni's GIA, and for massacres of the population during the Black Decade of the 1990s, when they violated the electoral process and its results in favour of the Islamists of the FIS, and caused more than 200,000 victims and tens of thousands of disappeared! They even dared to assassinate a president who was going to turn Algeria around, in this case Mohamed Boudiaf.
Mr President,
If we are asking them to be brought before the Hague Tribunal, it is to stop tolerating the continuation of this mafia system of Algerian power in its murderous madness against the indigenous Afro-Amazigh populations. To explain what is happening in Algeria, the ‘senior officers’ of the French colonial army have a deep-rooted colonial inferiority complex. As the famous anti-colonialist psychiatrist Frantz Fanon, who participated in the Algerian revolution, put it in his immortal study ‘Peau noir masques blancs’ (Black skin, white masks), in Algeria we could easily replace it with ‘Peau Amazighe masques Arabes’ (Amazigh skin, Arab masks). Fanon said that: ‘all colonised peoples - that is to say, all peoples in whom an inferiority complex has arisen as a consequence of the burial of local cultural originality - are situated in relation to the language of the civilising nation, that is to say, the metropolitan culture. The colonised will have escaped the bush all the more because they have adopted the cultural values of the metropolis. He will be all the whiter for having rejected his blackness, his bush’. This is how the ‘Algerian generals’ of Amazigh origin behave: by repressing their Amazigh compatriots as much as possible, they believe they will please their supposed ‘Arab’ master or leader, who is supposed to come from the Near East or Arabia or to have Marabou origins.
Amazighs call on South African president to take ‘Algerian generals’ to ICC 4029
Let us not forget that the day after Algerian independence, President Ahmed Ben Bella declared in his speech of 5 October 1962: ‘We are Arabs, Arabs, ten million Arabs’. He added on 5 July 1963 that ‘there is no future for this country but Arabism’, considering the indigenous Amazigh identity as a seed of division threatening national unity! All Algerian presidents who succeeded him, whether Houari Boumediene, Chadli Benjedid, Liamine Zeroual, Aziz Bouteflika or Abelmajid Tebboune, have boasted and stubbornly reaffirmed their supposed ‘Arabness’, when in reality they are nothing but Arabised Amazighs, Africans alienated from their identity!

Comment on the content of this article
This does not allow us to admire the content of the article, but it can be a response to possible manipulations which contain it.
Preference: Daily food in Amazigh, place of origin and prison in prisons and detention centers.
Second: Yes, send the generator and generate a copy of the international calendar.
Third: There is a difference between the Makhzen diet and the General diet, because they practice all these treatments.
Violators of household rights, the opponents are pursuing an anti-Amazigh policy and eliminating “Amazigh” communities.
Fourth: The Sahara is not a thing of the past because the people are not in the same place and it is not possible to rely on the Moroccan.
Fifth: You protect Algerian opponents and the most important moments for your advice from the most common problems, but there is no difference between your faces in the middle of the day.
Sixth: Regarding the question of the creation of terrorist groups, I don't think so, but if there is security and stabilization of security. I will accept this agreement with you if you eat what is the diet against the great army of the population of Azawad.
September: The return of CAF is normal to avoid the promotion of corruption in the past and for the management of the company to maintain the sports police on the functions of its political objects.
Comment: The apartment question in the Arab world affects all payments in North Africa and Morocco. Whoever planted the device in Algeria in April 1958 JC returned to his account. Yes, we have no choice but to know that Morocco has already retired. the Arab League.

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